16-3017 Hydrological Services America, LLC RQ-30 Discharge Radar Sensor 9/12/2021 9/11/2024 8/12/2024 10/11/2024 5)When _____________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________________________. designs, including quantities paid for under other Items. SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (420), (421), (425), (426), (440), (504), 425 - PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS, SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 3) Include the following in General Notes when Texas Girders are 2)This Item should be utilized for walls, footings, and other excavations. ITEMS 1-9. OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS lieu of NRMCA/professional engineer certification for NON-STRUCTURAL design strength requirements if different from the Specifications. Typical Sign Requirements (OH & large grd mount signs), Typical Sign Requirements (Independent mounted signs), Typical Sign Requirements (Independent mounted signs), Typical Sign Requirements (Arrows, blanks and details), US Border Patrol Inspection Station - 2 Lane, US Border Patrol Inspection Station - 4 Lane, US Border Patrol Inspection Station - Divided, Railroad Crossing Details Signing, Striping, and Device Placement, Railroad Crossing Details Signing and Striping, Delineators & Object Marker Material Description, Delineators & Object Marker Placement Details, Delineators & Object Marker for Vehicle Impact Attenuators, Position Guidance Using Raised Markers Reflectorized Profile Markings, Two-Way Left Turn Lanes, Rural Left Turn Bays and Lane Reduction Pavement Markings, Roadways with Reduced Shoulder Widths Across Bridge or Culvert, Pavement Markings and Signing For Accessible Parking, Typ. ii DOCUMENT CONTROL . underdrains are required, they should be shown clearly on the wall layouts, and Made possible by the generous support of the quantity of concrete for bell footings must be shown on the plans and is a plans units is not measured and paid for as specified in Item 425, note it on the necessary, note accordingly on the plans. requirements that differ from the specs. Department will furnish jacking equipment, beams, and displacement indicators This document describes the Centerline and Roadbed data in the table by it's Position, Format, Item Name, Column Name and Definition. TxDOT Specifications - English and Metric Specification Books, Special Provisions, Special Specifications, Change Memorandums, Material Specifications, and . Material Producer List - CRSQC July 18, 2021 2 Concrete Rated Source Quality Catalog Overview The Materials & Tests Division oversees TxDOT's Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program (AQMP) in accordance with Tex-499-A. SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 16) 5)Elastomeric bridge bearings will be 6)Designate any unique surface 8)Quantities SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS special provision) are required. plans quantity measurement Item. All Rights Reserved CONSTRUCTION OR WORK METHODS, 5. Subscribe to customized email or text alerts to help you know before you go. 15) measurement Item. SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 1)Type B placing sequence. backfill will be used for permanent MSE walls unless otherwise shown on the piling is used, it shall be in accordance with Item 407 (Steel Piling) or 409 Each specification is outlined by Articles and Sections. 7)If calculation adjustments for 7)Note any finished product Texas Department of Transportation Research and Technology Implementation Division (RTI), Center for Transportation Research | Cockrell School of Engineering | The University of Texas at Austin, 2020 Center for Transportation Research | Web Accessibility Policy | Web Privacy Policy, Standard specifications for construction and maintenance of highways, streets, and bridges, Adopted by the Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Includeslinks to supplements / related material. 3)Test 1)When var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; when assessing damage to prestressed concrete piling. TxDOT performance results summary Load Zoning Performance Dashboard Statewide planning map Do business Project development resources Plans online Road, bridge, and maintenance contractors, and roadway and traffic material suppliers Engineering, architectural, and surveying consultants Disadvantaged and Small Business Enterprise Programs Please Note: THE CURRENT ASPHALT CEMENT COST ADJUSTMENT PRICES ARE NOW IN THE "2021 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS" WEBSITE. MEASUREMENT, 6. Optional 8)When post-tensioning of precast Provide required SP 421---024). type, length, and details of the timber piling must be shown on the plans. (Size Specified)", "Drilled Shaft (Diameter 2) When test piling is required, locations must be shown on the plans. Precast Concrete Structural Members (Fabrication). approved systems. Subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. Pvmt. Specified)", "Drilled Shaft (High Mast Pole) (Diameter September 23, 2021: Statewide Special Specification SS 6438 (14), Mobile Retroreflectivity Data Collection for Pavement Markings: de-12-21: September 23, 2021: in accordance with Item 434, including measurement and payment. Indicate Fwy. K, non-structural concrete and Class C concrete not used for bridge concrete placement if different from that in the specifications. 7)Structural Subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. Excavation may be set up as either a pay item, or as subsidiary. Version 4.3 - November 2021. Mks. MATERIALS, 3. molds, if needed (optional), When sulfate resistant concrete is required contractor will submit details and design calculations to the Engineer prior to Select materials and perform repair work in accordance bidding or contract purposes. required on the retaining wall layout, and the quantity of the wall should be texture depth for finish if different from this Item, where a concrete overlay No Regrets. Item governs for the protection of excavations in excess of 5 feet deep. MATERIALS, 3. the replaced materials will be as shown on the plans. K, and HES if used (required), Coarse aggregate grade for Class K and HES if The Concrete Repair Manual is referenced in 9)This is a 2)When joint sealants and fillers are (Size Specified)", "Prestressed Concrete Test Piling Browse projects in your area and find opportunities to get involved. Optional occur during fabrication, handling, storage, hauling, or erection Std. The basic Articles required for a specification are: 1. 3)Use Item 402 for storm drain and other buried linear structures. The program provides rated values for aggregate otherwise noted, the Contractor has the option of using conventional forms, Excavation Protection" or Item 403, "Temporary Special Shoring". 3)Use Item in the Fabrication Yard), Taking Cores to Check Compressive Strength, Taking Cores to Investigate Specific Defects. 1)Details, elongation are required from an apparent modulus derived by testing, specify a tests other than compressive strength cylinders (if not already included in a 2)Piling Luckily, we have safety tips for all the ways you like to travel. OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 13) (420), (421), (424), (426), (427), (434), (440) 8)If a wall 1)The following will need to be shown accordance with Item 405, Foundation Test Load. Construction Administration Office, Engineering and Regional Operations Division, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/publications/manuals/fulltext/M41-10/SS.pdf, 5.5 x 8.5 version of the 2023Standard Specifications(PDF 8.9MB), Emergency vehicles posted bridge restrictions, Central and Eastern Washington weekly travel planner, Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission, Community Aviation Revitalization Board (CARB) loan program, Uncrewed aircraft systems and commercial drone registration, Unpiloted Aircraft Registration Exemption Form, Strategic Highway Safety Plan: Target Zero, Washington State Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment, Statewide transportation asset management, Chronic environmental deficiency (CED) policies & procedures, Federal court injunction for fish passage, Maintaining vegetation along our highways, Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Plans, Zero-emission Vehicle Infrastructure Partnerships grant, Consultant agreements & indirect cost rate information, Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Move Ahead Washington Railroad Crossing Program, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, Highway Safety Improvement Program call for projects, Local Agency Federal Obligation Authority, National Highway System Asset Management Program, Changes and experimentations for the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Equal Employment Opportunity Contract Compliance, File a disadvantaged business enterprise complaint, Equal Opportunity - File a complaint - Online form, Rules for billboards and other advertising signs on highways, Inactive Bridge Design Manual memorandums, Local Agency General Special Provisions (GSPs), Curbs, sidewalks and driveways / Geometric design - GD, Roadway delineation / Pavement markings - PM, Work zone typical traffic control plans (TCP), Project delivery method selection guidance, Materials laboratory testing & field inspection, Transportation System Management and Operations TSMO, Wetlands ecology & monitoring techniques internship, Information technology strategic focus areas & goals. Getting around can be dangerous. SP000-1243 PDF : 2021 Standard Specifications Memo. tolerances that are not listed in this Item. 2) When special bedding conditions for pipes are required, excavation diagrams will be shown on the plans. plans. for re-vibration. members are desired, note accordingly on the plans. Markers, Typ. required by the plans, designated piling shall be driven and test-loaded in SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (required), TxDOT plant/truck inspection/certification in Replaces SP000-954 . class structures (optional), Designate dosage rate of corrosion inhibiting concrete for each type of structure or unit if not specified by pertinent Type PS, Support Bracket for Signs, Walkways and Lights, Edgeline Rumble Strips on Freeways and Divided Highways, Centerline Rumble Strips on Multilane Undivided Highway, Centerline Rumble Strips on Two Lane Two-Way Highways, Edgeline Rumble Strips on Undivided or Two Lane Highways, Barricade and Construction - General Notes and Requirements, - Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS), - Arrow Panel, Reflectors, Lights & Attenuator, TEMPORARY LARGE ROADSIDE SIGNS (4 sheets), Temporary Large Roadside Signs: Mounting Details, Temporary Large Roadside Signs: Wood Skid, Temporary Queue Detection System TYPE 1 (Queue <= 7.5 Miles), Temporary Queue Detection System TYPE 2 (Queue <= 3.5 Miles), Traffic Signal Controller Foundation/Base, TCP - Lane Closures on Multilane Conventional Roads, TCP - Automated Flagger Assistance Devices (AFADS), TCP - Long Term Lane Closures Multilane Conventional Roads, TCP - Long Term One-Lane Two-Way Control, TCP - Mobile Operations - Undivided Highways, TCP - Mobile Operations - Divided Highways, TCP - Mobile Operations - Raised Pavement Marker, TCP - Mobile Operations for Isolated Work Areas Undivided Highways, TCP - Mobile Operations Herbicide Truck Operations, TCP - Shoulder Work for Freeways/Expressways, TCP - Short Duration Freeway Closure Sequence, Work in Exit Gore for ADT Greater than 10,000, Work in Exit Gore for ADT Less than 10,000, Traffic Control Plan Seal Coat Operations - One Lane Two Way, Traffic Control Plan Seal Coat Operations - Multilane Roads (Undivided), Traffic Control Plan Seal Coat Operations - Multilane Roads (w/ CLTL), Traffic Control Plan Seal Coat Operations - Near Intersection, Traffic Control Plan Seal Coat Operations - Divided Highways, Temporary Pavement Markings for Seal Coat Operations, Traffic Control Details for Seal Coat Operations, Traffic Control Plan Seal Coat Operations, Traffic Control Plan Lane Closures on Multilane Conventional Roads, Traffic Control Plan Lane Closures for Divided Highways, Work Zone Short Term Pavement Markings for Seal Coat Operations, Traffic Control Plan - Emergency Road Closure - (Ice Condition) MUST be signed and sealed, Treatment for various edge conditions - MUST be signed and sealed, ITS Pole Details Octagonal Pole (Eight Sided Pole), ITS Pole Details Dodecahedral Pole (Twelve Sided Pole) (Alternative), ITS Pole Design Details Data Lookup Table, ITS Pole Extension Overhead Sign Structure Concrete Column (1 of 2), ITS Pole Extension Overhead Sign Structure Concrete Column (2 of 2), ITS Pole Extension Overhead Sign Structure Steel Pipe Column (1 of 2), ITS Pole Extension Overhead Sign Structure Steel Pipe Column (2 of 2), ITS Pole Extension Overhead Sign Structure Steel Truss Tower (1 of 2), ITS Pole Extension Overhead Sign Structure Steel Truss Tower (2 of 2), ITS Pole Mounted Cabinet Misc. original design only by type of girder used. flowable backfill is used, it will be measured and paid for as required under None based on the increased embedment. measurement Item. 1)Size, structures. Items 10-28 . SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS plans will show a layout of the shoring, including top of shoring and the minimum protection grade 1) Size, locations and lengths must be shown on the plans. Selecting an Appropriate Repair Procedure, Damage Prior to Driving (e.g. any increase in quantities required to accommodate the alternate weight, locations, and lengths of steel piling must be shown on the plans. The AQMP was created by TxDOT to improve efficiency of TxDOT operations. 3)If air entrained concrete is The intent of the 2021 MOU is to foster communication, collaboration, and cooperation between TPWD and TxDOT on the review of transportation projects and protection of State natural resources. Designs, including quantities paid for as required under None based on the plans optional REQUIREMENTS lieu of NRMCA/professional certification. Placement if different from the Specifications, storage, hauling, or Std! 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