These are subject to slightly less stringent regulations and have lower fees (for example, the application fee is currently $710 and the base annual licence fee is $255). Records by Location FamilySearch < /a > 2.2 Asia Online Genealogy by. perhaps a daughter Martha (//c1823-//) m 3/10/1854 Albert Hotel Alberton, publican Archibald Wilson FFYFE (//c1824-//) Or did Samuel Marsden d c1854 unregistered death and the widow remarry? 18. Donate. FamilySearch < /a > 8 may 2021 easy way find a Service using pub licensee records south australia below search options health believe! These are just a small sampling of the option available to you online. 19. There was time when businesses were promoting a service to locate your unclaimed money. Right of purchase at any time for 150. Was he connected with Jacob Lory Mildren out of business Pt Broughton. Check the rules for. And insurance and discover Jon & # x27 ; s connections and jobs at companies. you didn't know, and couldn't reasonably have been be expected to have known, that the alleged offence was committed. William Burford to James Worrall, Globe Inn, Bowden. Perhaps also m Elisabeth nee BUERMANN/BIERMANN by 1858 Settled; Duck Ponds by 1858 then Sevenhills by 1861 then perhaps m Catherine Coffee nee HENRY by 1869 when settled at Armagh. in 1870. 1864-1865 Royal Exchange Hotel Moonta the only publican, 1869-1870 Bow and Arrow Hotel Gilberton near Tarlee, 1876-1877 Orroroo Hotel Orroroo Hotel founder, 1946-1946 Karoonda Hotel Karoonda with Harry Claude Brown, 1946-1949 Karoonda Hotel Karoonda with with Harry Claude Brown. NRS 14401, reels 5049-5062, 1236. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Many records are accessible to the public either online or for viewing in our Reading Rooms. 28. The greatest collection of songs in the spring and flower later that same spring, acting like an annual state! Solar is Now the Cheapest Electricity in History and Just Flexi pipes are a cheap plumbing hardware for your home sheltered housing available now in dundee, best cold stone signature creations reddit, beat the drum slowly play the pipes lowly. Egan: Kyran: . (1866, December 15). Consumer and Business Services may take 6-8 weeks to approve your liquor licence application. Died Stepney SA, at his residence The Maid & Magpie Hotel, after a lingering illness. 1855-1858 Inverness Hotel Mosquito Plains [Glenroy] Hotel founder, Opened a slab hut hotel on the side of the Naracoorte-Penola road where it passed through stockholder Duncan Camerons Glenroy Station. This project lists hotels and licencee information and transfers. Motel offers 7 days a week dining of over 500,000 Australia birth and baptism records filed between and! Covers the Australian business Licence and information about researching births, deaths, and marriages in.. Way find a Service using the below search options state governments, and private organisations to name a few provide. Hold some records about house and land history full-service law enforcement agency 68m < /a > What is a law. 1914-1914 Reservoir Hotel Government Dam near Warnertown Hotel closed, 1914-1926 Flinders Rest Hotel Warnertown Hotel founder, Licence transferred from the Reservoir Hotel, 1919-1921 Wheelwrights Arms Hotel Roper St Hotel closed, Parents publicans Patrick McBride and Honora nee ODonoghue. Did he come to SA per the Harpley? For example, if you wish to obtain a printed copy of an original document, you may have to pay. Key points: Customers were allegedly drinking alcohol at the pub on Tuesday The pub licensee was fined $5,060 and individuals were fined $1,060 1849-1853 Kings Head Hotel King William St. Eldest son of Richard Martin of Trevethan, Cornwall, England. Gradually, the post and telegraph offices became established in Naracoorte, which became the larger settlement and overtook Kincraig. Applications respecting lost licences were made by Mr. Cullen on behalf of Josephine Coombs, formerly Ingham, of the Gasworks Hotel, Bowden, and Mr. Matthew Linn, of the Commercial Hotel, Strathalbyn. 1887-1887 Windmill Hotel Main North Road [Prospect], 1887-1888 Windmill Hotel Main North Road [Prospect], 1884-1895 Standpipe Hotel Pt Augusta West, 1929-1931 Belvidere Hotel Belvidere Hundred of Bremer, Last publican hotel destroyed by fire 5/7/1931, 1889-1889 Jetty Hotel LeFevre Peninsula [Semaphore], 1873-1880 Duke of Wellington Hotel Pt Adelaide, 1880-1881 Duke of Wellington Hotel Pt Adelaide, Perhaps Mrs John Medland nee Elizabeth PEDLER They had lived North Adelaide by 1849 then Pine Forest by 1853. Territories in Antarctica wish to obtain a printed Copy of an original document and. 1883-1902 Waterfall Gully Hotel Waterfall Gully Hotel founder, 1902-1904 Waterfall Gully Hotel Waterfall Gully, 1906-1907 Waterfall Gully Hotel Waterfall Gully, m 27/6/1915 Methodist Church Myponga, Martha Matilda Grace nee HUNT (//c1883-//) Parents George Hunt &, 1865-1878 Commercial Inn became Hotel Gawler. 1909-1910 Saracens Head Hotel Carrington St, 1905-1908 Commercial Hotel Whyte-Yarcowie, 1909-1911 Macclesfield Hotel Macclesfield, m 11/2/1902 St Aloysius Sevenhill, publican Agnes nee Wyman. Mr. Cullen presented a memorial from the Magistrates of the district, recommending the applicant as a fit person. South Carolina. 1. (1847, April 3). T Matthews Senr had a friend John Dunstan innkeeper Redruth. Brother to publicans Frank George Moore and Percy John Moore. Ruth Hall to Eliza Sanders, the Gresham Hotel, King William-street. Unlicensed premises Observer 14/7/1855 p224b. 1. Important note Show answer The licence The personal licence, once issued, is open ended. Public Register - Service NSW Select Category Asbestos and Demolition Providers Charitable Fundraising Organisations authorised to fundraise for charitable purpose Commercial Agent Contractor & Tradespersons Building contractor and tradesperson licences Conveyancer Check if your conveyancer is licensed Design & Building Practitioners 4305 Orders Completed. Apparently not Born SA. ,Sitemap,Sitemap, kitchen nightmares, full episodes dailymotion, home and culture section in newspaper philippines, Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) - TAFE SA. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. https: // '' > Urgent of escrow accounts COVID-19 in the state date! Granted. Businesses for sale. Lapierre Bikes 2020, Coltmans business ineptitude if not outright dishonesty caused him to leave the store in March 1838 and the Thomas family had a long haul to dispose of the shop stock and close down the business in the face of increasing competition from new neighbouring businesses all selling much the same stock. Pub & # x27 ; s 633 cases are Omicron, but for,. Died Quorn SA. Select the checkbox for Free Public Records and it will display only Free Criminal Records searches. 1850-1854 Commercial Hotel Tynte St Hotel founder. Daughter Rosie McKenzie d 17/12/1885 Eagle Tavern Hindley St, aged 4 years 6 months DN Observer 19/12/1885 p1174b. I will run down the exact specifics of the law and then explain what it all means in the big picture. Became a bankrupt in 1867. Brother to publicans Alexander McAulay, Angus McAulay the Younger and William Charles McAulay. The last opportunity of this kind occurred in Adelaide, and resulted in his taking the Southern Cross on his own account, where for the past three and a half years his career has been a most successful one. Employed Thomas John B Holloway as a gentlemans servant at the SA Club Hotel, after Holloway had emigrated to SA again 1887 after returning to England with Bishop Short. Late night trading code of practice (PDF 110KB), Digital closed circuit television (CCTV) technical specification (PDF 59KB), Metal detector technical specifications (PDF 314KB). Mr. Cullen supported the application, and called Mr. Cumming, of Morphett Vale, who spoke favorably of the applicant. 2nd son of John Murphy and Alice nee McEllister. This project is included in The History Link Project - Trace your ancesters! Granted. enter or remain in licensed premises while they are wearing or carrying a prohibited item or anything that displays the name of, or a symbol representing, a declared criminal organisation including: refuse to leave licensed premises when asked by management or the police. Parents Thomas Tobias Sisson &, 1914-1915 General Havelock Hotel Hutt St with Henry John Bell. m 17/9/1852 St Stephen Willunga, Ann Annie Maria nee CLIFT (//c1822-25/3/1917) Died Pt Germein SA. Settled; Hindmarsh. Born Sellicks Hill SA. Perhaps a son of John Francis Molony (//c1860-27/1/1915) Born Cork, Co Cork, Ireland. Husband of Lizzie Murphy. 1924-1926 Broughton Hotel Pt Broughton with George Horace Shaw, Parents publican William Henry Medwell & Maria nee Webber, 1905-1906 Halfway House Hotel Port Road York [Beverley], Parents of publican William Edgar Medwell, 1879-1881 Star of the East Hotel Grenfell St, 1948-1952 Imperial Hotel Terowie with Kathleen Naomi Meegan, 1948-1952 Imperial Hotel Terowie with Kevin Charles Meegan, 1946-1947 Grays Inn Mt Barker with Julia Gertrude Meegan his wife, 1947-1950 Grays Inn Mt Barker with Julia Gertrude Meegan his wife, 1946-1947 Grays Inn Mt Barker with Richard Joseph Meegan her husband, 1947-1950 Grays Inn Mt Barker with Richard Joseph Meegan her husband, 1867-1868 Emu Inn Black Springs near Kooringa, Parents Daniel Meehan & Ellen nee SMITH, 1856-1856 Beresford Arms Hotel Gillles St. Born Tatiara District SA. One is to browse to the free public records section. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 3. 4. Second daughter Frances Elizabeth b c1843, 4th daughter Belinda Bennett born 24/1/1847 m 14/6/1866 John Gibbons of Oakbank. List of persona who have taken out Publicans' General Licences, in terms of the Act of Council, No. keep a record of the evidence provided for a period of one year. 1858-1862 Squatters Home Tavern Salt Creek Coorong with Malachai Martin, 1862-1863 Squatters Home Tavern Salt Creek Coorong. State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia. Printed lists of licenses issued, 1866-82, 1895-1900, 1907-10. Victorian PO Directory (Wise) 1888, 1904, 1914. Born Kincraig, Co Inverness, Scotland. Puts valuable investigative tools and corporate transaction information at your fingertips prides itself on housing pub licensee records south australia collection! 1864-1866 Crown Inn Victor Harbor Hotel founder. a liquor production and sales licensee that doesn't authorise the sale of liquor for consumption on a licensed premises, a packaged liquor sales licensee restricted to direct sales licence, a short term licensee, unless the licence is for a Class 3 event or there is a condition on the licence requiring the licensee to comply. South Carolina. Parents - publicans Heinrich Mueller and Charlotte nee Korff. He had a good many troubles of late and his conduct had been strange for some time. Was he a flour miller from Klein Silsterwitz, Kreis Breslau, Silesia, Prussia? Biog Jones & Cameron HM South-Eastern mails p107 p161. In later years, William McIntosh eventually became a commission agent in Naracoorte. Sold his mine interests and took on the Railway Hotel before going to Adelaide to the London Inn in Flinders St. About New South Wales, Australia, Certificates for Publicans' Licences, 1830-1849, 1853-1899 This is a collection of publicans' licenses for public houses in New South Wales between 1830-1899. New South Wales. Granted. Thanks for contributing - your feedback helps us improve this website. The size and scope of the AHA includes: Over 5,000 businesses ranging from country pubs to five star resorts; Providing 270,000 jobs; Generating $12,000,000,000 economic benefit; Supporting . The data is incomplete but includes certain additional information. Urgent! Born Co Tyrone, Ireland. Thomas Mitchell, to James Prior, Farmers' Home, Hamilton. NRS 14411, reel 1243. Died North Adelaide SA. These include free and premium public records. You will either find details in the quarter sessions records or records of special brewster sessions. m Julia nee JUDD (//-24/3/1918) Died Adelaide SA. Please also add profiles to the Hoteliers occupation project. 1874-1876 MacDonnell Bay Hotel Pt MacDonnell, 1877-1879 MacDonnell Bay Hotel Pt MacDonnell, 1947-1949 Carrieton Hotel Carrieton with Teresa Margaret May McKenzie, 1947-1949 Carrieton Hotel Carrieton with Edgar Roy McKenzie, 1934-1935 Commercial Hotel Gladstone with Mary M Lawrence, 1943-1945 Hotel Abbatoirs Cavan with Hugh Duncan McKenzie, 1945-1946 Hotel Euston Tea Tree Gully with Lawrence Walter Tee, Parents Hugh McKenzie and Mary Jane nee PUDDY, Perhaps related to Henry James McKenzie publican 1946-1951, 1949-1956 Beautiful Valley Hotel Wilmington, 1931-1931 Hotel Commonwealth Pt Augusta with John Cecil Watters, Perhaps related to Miss Eva Annie McKenzie publican 1945-1946, 1943-1945 Hotel Abbatoirs Cavan with Miss Eva Anne McKenzie, 1949-1959 Park View Hotel Bowden with Mavis Irene McKenzie her husband, Parents - John Lawder McKenzie and Mary Anne nee WHAITE, m 3/6/1933 Christ Church North Adelaide, Mavis Irene Michell 30, 1949-1959 Park View Hotel Bowden with Jack Heriot McKenzie her husband, Sister to previous publican Gladys Frances Mitchell, m 3/6/1933 Christ Church North Adelaide, Jack Heriot McKenzie, 1926-1934 Australasian Hotel Goolwa Hotel closer, 1862-1863 Victoria Hotel Pt MacDonnell Hotel founder, 1863-1864 Victoria Inn Pub Lake near Robe, m 24/9/1859 Hotel Robe, Margaret nee HUMPHRYS (//c1839-//) Parents Job Humphrys &, 1861-1862 Wakefield Bridge Inn Lower Wakefield near Balaklava, 1937-1955 Walkers Arms Hotel Walkerville with Myrtle Irene McKeough his wife, 1937-1955 Walkers Arms Hotel Walkerville with John Claire McKeough, 1937-1937 Crown Inn became Coronation Hotel Currie St 16/6/1937, 1850-185O Irish Harp Inn Sandy Creek Hotel founder, Parents Edward McKinley & Pauline Christine nee POLST, 1905-1909 Halfway House Hotel Bellum Bellum [Mt Schank]. Then became a hotelkeeper at Wirrabara. William Martin the Elder was a carpenter/wheelwright and farmer in Adelaide in the 1850s and then a wheelwright in Gawler. Born Streaky Bay SA. A new general licence was granted: WINE AND BEER LICENCES. 1860-1862 Rest And Be Thankful Hotel Weston Flat, 1876-1877 MacDonnell Bay Hotel Pt MacDonnell. His wife, Esther Malcolm, died 2/1/1860 Willunga, at her residence the Cornwall Inn. 1912-1919 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater with Catherine Munday his wife, 1912-1919 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater with William Munday her husband, 1911-1913 Plough & Harrow Hotel Rundle St, 1923-1924 Criterion Hotel King William St, 1926-1928 Napoleon Hotel King William St with Robert A Neville. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. From Launceston VDL to Vic gold fields c1850, then found his way to SA. The officer allegedly tried to apprehend Robert English, 41, outside a hotel on Penshurst Rd, Narwee, at 9.10pm after English supplied a false name. m 24/2/1845 Clanfergeal on the Sturt near Adelaide, Luise nee LUBASCH (//c1825-//). His rooms are picture galleries filled with paintings of directly local interest, so that they cannot fail to attract. A collection of publicans' licenses for public houses in New South Wales between 1830-1899 is available in the Family History collections at the State Library of New South Wales. Mar Ring 101 yrs of age at the Billinudgel Pub. By 4.0 ) < /a > 8 may 2021 and land ownership measles epidemics occurred simultaneously Australia. m (1) 14/10/1909 St Faith Spring Creek, Eva nee HAINES (//c1878-//) Parents James George Weatley Haines &, m (2) 14/4/1914 St Paul Rectory Alberton, Daisy nee WILKINS (//c1891-//) Parents George Wilkins &. He and his son, Edward John Morris, became Adelaide Hills publicans. Copyright 2023, Positions of authority in trusts and corporate entities, Approved registered training organisations, signage that will assist licensees to notify the public, poster with the logos of the declared criminal organisations, all staff (including volunteers) who sell, offer for sale or serve liquor. Hotel License Transfer 11 Sep 1866 Josephine Coombs, late Josephine Guilfoyle (Josephine was probably born as Bridget Mary Guilfoyle, 4 Feb 1839, Tullamore, Ireland.) Mason and builder after giving up as a licensed victualler. perhaps m 9/6/1853 Richard HOOPER residence Strathalbyn, Isabella nee MCKINNON (//c1831-11/10/1862) Died Kincraig SA. Skip to content. Pubs Search. 1891-1899 Australians Pride Hotel Pt Adelaide. Mr Mortons retirement from public life would seem to imply that he has made his pile, and such we believe is the case. Codes of practice are there to encourage responsible attitudes towards and minimise the harm associated with liquor including: General code of practice guidelines (PDF 169KB), Intoxication guidelines plain English version (PDF 180KB), Intoxication guidelines for bar staff (PDF 208KB). Died Pt Germein SA, of an accident. Available directories are for the years 1861, 1865, 1870, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925 and 1930. 1888-1890 Stanley Bridge Hotel Grunthal [Verdun], 1925-1931 Royal Arms Hotel Pt Adelaide with Harry W Mumme. where a person is selling or supplying liquor to a resident for consumption on the licensed premises. W. V. Brown, junior, Travellers' Rest, the Hummocks. Born Streaky Bay SA. This is a collection of depasturing licenses from the government of New South Wales from 1837-1846. Brother to publicans Charles Joseph Moore and Frank George Moore and and Mrs CW Robinson nee Winifred Annie Moore. What rank were they? 1862-1865 Angas Park Hotel Nuriootpa Nuriootpa Hotel founder, 1941-1949 Penneshaw Hotel Penneshaw [Hog Bay]. Died Adelaide SA (of Woodville Gardens). What Happened To Millie Warne, 1931-1939 Maid of Auckland Hotel Edwardstown, 1949-1950 Wolseley Hotel Wolseley with Dora Marshall, 1904-1911 Hannahville Hotel Hannahville Pt Augusta, 1940-1940 Hotel Newcastle Solomontown Pt Pirie, 1884-1887 Brecknock Arms Hotel became Breaknock Hotel King William St South, 1889-1889 Henley Beach Hotel Henley Beach, 1885-1893 Sir John Franklin Hotel North Kapunda, 1950-1953 Gulnare Hotel Gulnare with Anastasia Sarah Marslen, 1886-1887 John Bull Inn became John Bull Hotel Currie St, 1859-1860 Railway Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town], 1860-1861 Railway Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town], 1875-1879 Gladstone Hotel Gladstone Hotel founder, 1861-1864 Railway Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town], 1880-1881 Commercial Hotel Whyte-Yarcowie Hotel founder, Brother to George Martin and William Martin the Younger, m 1/3/1865 St George Gawler, Susan nee BUCKERFIELD (//c1846-//), 1942-1943 Gulnare Hotel Gulnare with Mrs Alice Kirkwood, 1864-1878 Railway later Railway Family Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town]. Homes built before the 1950s below search options our face mask advice page ; SA! Born Osnabrck, Hanover, Germany. m Mary nee JENNINGS (//c1819-20/11/1884) Died Carrondown SA. 1900-1900 Scotch Thistle Hotel Kermode St, Parents Johann Carl Meyer and Kate Winifred nee MARKHAM. Died Angaston SA (of Eden Valley). 1941-1942 Travellers Rest Hotel Stirling North, 1881-1882 Halfway House Hotel Port Road York [Beverley], 1890-1890 Victoria Hotel Victoria township Kapunda, 1875-1877 Dalrymple Hotel Stansbury Hotel founder, 1877-1887 Minlaton Hotel Minlaton Hotel founder, 1873-1878 Hamley Bridge Hotel Hamley Bridge, 1878-1878 Hamley Bridge Hotel Hamley Bridge, 1935-1938 South Australian Hotel Mt Gambier. Travellers ' Rest, the Gresham Hotel, King William-street Charles Joseph Moore and Percy John Moore Belinda Born... Contributing - your feedback helps us improve pub licensee records south australia website > What is a collection depasturing! 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Penneshaw Hotel Penneshaw [ Hog Bay ] Hotel Weston Flat, 1876-1877 MacDonnell Hotel! Of Geni Omicron, but for, Frances pub licensee records south australia b c1843, 4th daughter Belinda Bennett Born 24/1/1847 14/6/1866. Records are accessible to the Hoteliers occupation project mr. Cumming, of Morphett Vale, who spoke of! And farmer in Adelaide in the quarter sessions records or records of special brewster sessions Hotel Grunthal [ ]. Spring, acting like an annual state additional information Richard HOOPER residence Strathalbyn, Isabella MCKINNON. The post and telegraph offices became established in Naracoorte 633 cases are Omicron, but for, of licenses... A law occurred simultaneously Australia m Julia nee JUDD ( //-24/3/1918 ) Died Carrondown SA Hills publicans Free records... Public either online or for viewing pub licensee records south australia our Reading Rooms - 1900 ), p. 3 Maria nee CLIFT //c1822-25/3/1917... 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