Director and writer Oliver Stone intended to make Platoon as realistic as possible, which meant filming in a location with terrain similar to that found in Vietnam. By the end of the film, Chris moral integrity has deteriorated to the point where he is able to kill Sgt. As soon as they disembark from their plane, they are greeted by piles of body bags and the mocking pity of bypassing veteran soldiers happy to be on the next departing flight. Barnes is killed by Taylor in the end, where Taylor does a typical "Barnes" move by killing those he is supposed to stand strongest with. Just keep your pecker up and your powder dry, things change. Noting Barnes' anxious manner, Taylor realizes that he was responsible. Bunny refers to himself as "Audie Murphy". Barnes finds Elias alone and shoots him, then returns and tells Chris that Elias was killed by the enemy. Next:Platoon True Story: How Accurate Is The Vietnam War Movie. He was in an area by himself, armed with a walkie-talkie from which he got instructions from Oliver Stone. The following analysis reveals a comprehensive look at the Storyform for Platoon. The way events are progressing, the outlook does not look good for the platoon. The 1986 Vietnam War classic follows the experiences of volunteer soldier Chris Taylor, who quickly learns about the politics of navigating his platoon. For anyone who understands the process of filmmaking, 3-4 takes is extremelyfew,especially for such a dynamic scene that turned out so strong. The war forced Chris to experience and do things that hes not proud of at all, like his platoons involvement in the My-Lai-esque pillage and destruction of a Vietnamese village, and the climatic murder of Sgt. His idealistic patriotism has landed him in Bravo company of the 25th Infantry Regiment near the Cambodian Border. Barnes course of action, but is in no position to prevent the horrible events he witnesses. (Stone p. 21) From none of you. When the platoon takes some gruesome losses, an enraged Barnes kills some Vietnamese and orders the burning of their village, outraging the temporarily absent Elias. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, MIGHTY NETWORKS, 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, This military-inspired watch was worn by General Pershing, Jackie Kennedy and Princess Diana. Only when Elias brings this fact to his attention does the Lt. realize the platoons pressing danger; when the platoon falls into an ambush, Lt. Wolfe causes an air strike to hit his own men by giving the wrong coordinates to air support. You were there Rhah - I know what you were thinking. Did he try to kill himself? Hough is a senior writer at Screen Rant. Barnes possesses the unique ability to pressure Chris and others in the platoon to think a certain way. Barnes has planned, the men in the platoon are going to have to perform and act like experienced, well trained soldiers. How big is a platoon? Barnes makes a profound impact on Chris. To make matters worse, the inexperienced, incompetent Lt. Wolfe accidentally orders an air strike on the platoons location resulting in more casualties in the platoon. Platoon is a 1986 film about a young recruit in Vietnam who faces a moral crisis when confronted with the horrors of war and the duality of man. On the final patrol Chris flips into heroism or psychosis, wipes out a nest of North Vietnamese and confronts the demon he has almost become. He takes the bowl from Adams, smokes it. Barnes conceives of killing Chris as a means of eliminating anyone whos a threat of implicating him in the murder of Elias. Barnes declares that he will go back to find Elias. You fuck up in a fire fight and I goddamn guarantee you a trip out of the bush, in a body bag! O'Neill argues back, and Elias tells him to take a break and not be a prick every day. Originally uses M16, inherits King's M60 (but we don't see him using it, O'Neil mentions to King to give it to him before he leaves).Pvt Taylor (WIA): Seen leaving on a chopper with Rodriguez at the end of the film.Finally he isn't part of the platoon but for completenessCPT. Live up to what Grandpa did in the First War and Dad the Second. Barnes confronts Chris about Elias, and challenges Chris and the other men to try and kill him. More can be read about him here. When the enemy attacks the U.S. compound, the Viet Cong are able to overrun the U.S forces. Barnes realizes that Chris is standing behind him with a rifle pointed at him. Barnes defeats any ideas they might have had about killing him. This brief moment of reflection is effectively Oliver Stone talking through his narrator, expressing his own experiences and what he's taken from them: a drive to make the world better. What's with the booby trap that kills Sal and Sanderson? From the very first scene of the film, as black rubber body bags are loaded onto planes that have just unloaded new recruits, Americas success in the war is put into question. After the aerial bombardment, he wakes up from a state of unconsciousness, picks up an enemy rifle, and aims it at Barnes. For him, an authentic life means stepping down in class; he embraces the same experience as the working-class blacks and white ethnics who got draftedcommon clay, most of them, forgotten men, losers. (Denby 86). Truman willingly agreed to aid Frances ambitions in exchange for Frances support. All gave some during the Vietnam War, and some gave all. Hawaiian kid, seen lighting building in village scene. Platoon was inspired by Stone's real-life experiences at theNew Year's Day Battle of 1968, and the director himself makes a cameo during his cinematic recreation. Barnes immorality that brings about the deterioration of Chris own psyche. Then they would be sent home. Simpson then had to explain to Stone that he couldn't find that footage because the scene in question hadn't been shot yet. Captain. To put an end to his own personal war, Sgt. After Taylor fires off three shots, hepauses and looks at his surroundings, with the grey of the smoking gun contrasting with the lush green jungle. WOLFE: (a hesitant gesture, to Ace on the radio) Get me Barnes(to Elias) Sounds pretty far-out to me Lias. This is illustrated when Chris puts a stop to some of his fellow platoon members who are raping young girls they have abducted from the village, and denouncing the men for participating in such dehumanizing behavior. Made of Iron: Barnes had apparently been shot seven times prior to the events of the film and the rest of the platoon think he can't die as a result. Edit, near the beginning of the movie, as the squad goes out for the night ambush and in the end of the movie? Understanding the volatile relationship between Sgt. What's new. Barnes. Complete Playlist: Platoon (1986)Music Video: Simply Great MusicArtist: Geo. Barnes was a hot headed, gung-ho go getter who actually believed in his cause was was willing to do whatever was necessary to win the war Elias was much less of a fighting man but it can be argued that men like Elias would be better for winning the Hearts and Minds of the population. This is what has brought him to Vietnam. The acclaimed actor was given a walkie-talkie and was instructed by Stone to run from point A to point B while avoiding all the explosions. Barnes controversial behavior and questionable leadership in the village. Elias' decision to report Barnes' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. Oliver Stone set up several cameras to capture the drama of the moment that gives you chills. However, soldiers were strictly forbidden to touch any objects they found in the field that seemed out of place or important. You were there Rhah - I know what you were thinking. How many days you short? Since Chris has just arrived to the platoon and has no past experience of fighting and surviving in jungle combat, he has no memories he can draw upon to serve him in the current situation. SSG. There's a similar scene in Full Metal Jacket (1987) where a toy rabbit is used as a booby trap. More:Da 5 Bloods: Every Movie Reference & Influence In Spike Lee's Movie. When Taylor is evacuated from the battle field and discussing his "fathers" he says it's his duty to grow and become a better person. Barnes in an act of revenge for Elias and for himself. I dont know whats right and whats wrong anymore. In one scene, Barnes is bathed in red light, symbolizing the evil within. While Chris is on point, he unwittingly approaches a camouflaged Viet Cong bunker and Sgt. He relies on his knowledge of war to react and perform quickly. When Berenger's character rolls over on his back and demands a medic, he simultaneouslyshows his bravery along with an attitude that unnerves Taylor. Elias tells Chris he thinks the U.S. is going to lose the war: The day after suffering its most severe casualties, the platoon and several companies are sent right back into the same enemy-saturated area. Even though this isnt true, Barnes blames Chris inability to resist his impulse to sleep as the cause of the platoons two casualties: Elias. Dafoe also had some control over the timing of the detonations. Is "Platoon" based on a book? He was cruel and willing to kill those he was tasked with protecting. He says "do it". Barnes betrayal. (to Doc) Doc, tagem and bagem. Platoon's medic.LT. who would you have rather served with in NAM, or in any war. You dont sleep on no fucking ambush! CHRIS: Yever get caught in a mistake, King, and you just cant get out of it? Bunny refers to himself as "Audie Murphy". Another instance of non-accurate is when the platoon becomes engaged by the enemy and the Lieutenant inadvertently attacks his own platoon with air support by giving inaccurate location information. Barnes questionable account of how he earlier found Elias dead in the jungle, prompting the following exchange of dialogue between Chris and other platoon members: CRAWFORD: Sounds like it. When Taylor discovers Barnes in Platoon, both men aren't doing well after the NVA attack and the subsequent air raid. Those who dont have a past of fighting in Vietnam will have nothing to remember or to draw from, and are at a disadvantage. If the U.S. military would have proven to be a more effective adversary in the jungle style warfare waged against the Viet Cong, the U.S. would have probably won the war; If Lt. Wolfe had been a proven combat soldier, many situations the platoon faced wouldnt have resulted with such ill consequences; If Sgt. Recollections are the standard by which growth is measured in the subjective story. The mens essential natures are not suitable for war and it takes its toll, best seen in post-traumatic stress. Here's our breakdown. CHRIS (V.0. Chris accomplishes this when he blows Barnes away. M79.Final BattlePvt King (Survives): His tour of duty ends just before the battle. Chris presumes Barnes killed Elias as if it were a fact. Meaning, the U.S. governmentwon't ask themto further serve in the military out of respect for their sacrifices. Critics consider Platoon to be rife with religious symbolism. Progress for the platoon is in a very grim state. Throughout the film, we experience the platoons frustrations, anxieties, and fears of fighting an invisible enemy that the platoon seems to have little to no impact against. Barnes feels war and death are his exclusive expertise because of his first hand experiences: Sergeant. Barnes murdered Sgt. Do my share for my country. I know he did. But a cold and ruthless product of warfare. He was also awarded France's and England's version of the Medal of Honor. Sgt. Barnes seems to think he owns an exclusive insight to death. None of this sits well with Sgt. Both the main character and the obstacle character see each other as the cause of the problems they are experiencing in their relationship. Hes willing to kill civilians, and even his own men, to support his immoral beliefs. When Chris is falsely accused of falling asleep on his watch, Barnes uses the death of a platoon member to point out the effect of this action. But in actuality, he doesn't know for sure that Sgt. The inhumane, merciless treatment Barnes carries out shocks Chris and rekindles his conscience and sense of morals. As Dafoe told Yahoo! Chris and other new recruits are made immediately aware that their future is going to be bleak, harsh, and very possibly deadly in Vietnam. Progress for the platoon continues in a devastating downward spiral. When the platoon finds a small Vietnamese village, Barnes was seen harassing the villagers, and ultimately, out of anger and cold blood, murders the village chief's wife and holds his daughter at gunpoint. While the platoon is being extracted via helicopter, they glimpse Elias, mortally wounded, emerging from the treeline and being chased by a group of North Vietnamese soldiers, who kill him. THE WEB'S FAVORITE - SINCE 1999. . Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Platoon Movie Ending & Chris Taylor's War Speech Explained, Da 5 Bloods: Every Real-Life Person & Event Referenced In Netflix's Movie, Da 5 Bloods: Every Movie Reference & Influence In Spike Lee's Movie, Platoon True Story: How Accurate Is The Vietnam War Movie. . By doing so, Barnes is able to call their bluff, and deal with this conflict directly and on his terms. In the closing minutes of Platoon, the character re-emerges with a big smile on his face, and tells Taylor that they'll both be sent homeas "two-timers." Thus, the other sergeants, and even Lt. Wolfe, look to Sgt. Barnes : Y'all love Elias. They strike him in the back, after which Elias throws his arms toward the sky. Now (pause) No. Barnes focuses on others inadequacies, and this in particular makes problems for Chris. ELIAS: (to Barnes) They dont know shit Barnes, and chances are theyre gonna run into something. It was at this point the Sergeant Elias arrives, furious with Barnes. In the film, he and his platoon are deployed to the jungles of Vietnam in order to fight the Viet Cong, where his psychopathic nature is heavily . (to Warren) We leave here in 2-zero minutes. Barnes have different ideas on what the war represents. There are a number of examples illustrating how Chris prefers to deal with situations externally, and looks for physical solutions to his problems. A platoon is four squads: generally three rifle squads and one weapons squad, normally armed with machine guns and anti-tank weapons. (Film). CHRIS(V.O. Elias takes Chrisand two other men to intercept flanking enemy troops. Elias is the Aramaic form of the Biblical Elijah. The last we see of him he is alive and in critical condition being placed aboard a Huey. S.SGT Barnes or Sgt. Written and directed by Oliver Stone. Elias admits he is a burn out and has some faults, but at least he is competent and doesn't frag his own. Barnes, the ends justify the means in Vietnam regardless of how immoral they may seem. The war exposes Chris to the worst human nature has to offer, and he is ultimately forced to compromise his own humanity and moral convictions by committing a vengeful murder of a fellow soldier and superior. As he puts it, "Didn't make much sense, I wasn't learning anything. As Dafoe dashed through the uneven terrain, he knew the locations of the squibs and the controlled detonations some of which failed to explode, but the audiencecant tell. Car-15. Through voiceover narration, Taylor explains his experiences through letters home to his grandmother and eventually proves himself to be the most morally righteous of the main characters. | Elias get into an altercation over Sgt. He's also the founding editor at Vague Visages, and has contributed to and Fandor. M60 (Uses an M16 in the night ambush scene).Pvt Bunny (KIA): Killed in bunker by NVA soldier blowing his brains out. CHRIS: And you, do you believe? They have to be like Barnes or be like Elias or be loners, but there are definitely many aspects of their lives they have to give up and a way they must be in order to survive in the war. Barnes when Barnes confronts him and others about killing Sgt. Sgt. Not one. However, by the end of the film, we sense that Chris doesnt still hold to the same basic ideals as when he first arrived in Vietnam. 2nd Squad (Bravo): squad leader.Pvt Flash (KIA) Killed by NVA soldier, seen lying dead next to Sgt. I saw his eyes when he came back in KING: What we got here a crusader? Entdecke Platoon (DVD, 2009, Special Edition Single Disc Version) NEU in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! But there are a few interesting things you probably didn't know about Sgt. Barnes warns the platoon that if they do not operate at acceptable levels, theyll end up killed by the enemy or they will put everybody else in the platoon in jeopardy. Cambodian Border the platoon continues in a body bag 25th Infantry Regiment near the Cambodian Border found in the that! Able to kill Sgt by himself, armed with a walkie-talkie from which he got instructions from Oliver.... 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