Please try again later. @kernowlass Nope, did not link it to instant bank transfer. Is it OK if we also use cookies to show you personalized ads? I decided to try these because of the money-back guarantee, and boy was I amazed at the results. They were able to set up and verify within a day's time. Sorry, you can't remove this bank account because of a pending transaction. There is no activity on my Paypal account. I will be visiting my local branch sometime this week to get this sorted out. 1999-2023 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. So paypal went to your back up funding source which sounds like your bank account and that is how the refund completed. I sent them a copy of my bank statement and they put money back into my bank account, but did not explain what happened which would be ok, except it happened again with the money they put in my bank account. How do I link a bank account to my PayPal account? The bank? 8 people found this solution to be helpful. Can I have this money refunded to me. PayPal keeps taking all my money out of my account to the point where I keep getting a zero balance everytime they do something. and said to wait for an email. But does "asking for permission" simply mean a dialog box on PayPal's website, or would it necessitate me to log in to my bank account to transfer the money? All transfers are subject to review Letter of recommendation contains wrong name of journal, how will this hurt my application? I think? The payment from their card is sent through PayPal for sellers to receive payment. You can chat with other sellers about anything to do with running a business on eBay. Let's add some proof to the story: (Note, I am in the EU, specifically the Netherlands, situation might be different in other parts of the world). A Better Way to Bank If the closing of your account was successful, you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your transaction history. But isn't the point of holding funds as a new seller to ensure that there would be funds available in case of a refund? That you might be ultimately victorious is of little consequence if someone steals money you really needed right now and the devotion of time and energy to "work the bureaucracy" to get your money back will distract from performance at work or school. I found out yesterday by going into my bank account that pay pal have taken money out of my A/C on july 4th 2016 , now i have not used pay pal in o If you dont see the money in your bank account after a few minutes, contact If you transfer money on a If not then i would phone customer services asap. I have only used PayPal for $1 transfer from my daughter to make sure it worked, but PayPal took that from my bank account too. You should contact your bank ASAP for more information on this transaction. WebOnce you've linked your bank account to PayPal, withdrawing your balance is quick and easy. There is no way we're going to give them the opportunity to take $$$from our regular business checking account (where we may have over $10,000 at any given time). Give PayPal A Refillable Pool Of Money Not Linked To A Bank Account, Avoiding alpha gaming when not alpha gaming gets PCs into trouble. PayPal would have no record of a payment that was not processed thru them. They tell me it was my debit card that was used to make the withdrawal. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. So again PayPal wiped out my bank account. Paypal will always ask for permission before adding or withdrawing money. 05-03-2019 ), G&S - Goods and/or Services (has seller/buyer protection.). . So PayPal can just steal your $$ am I reading this correctly??? I am a marketing agency that once again never had any sort of negative reviews, chargebacks or disputes, before and during the 180 days. It does not mean PayPal overdrafts your account. You have to be sure to add funds to your account within 3 days. In case, PayPal did not find the minimum balance in your account. It will then detect the money from your bank account that you have kept as a backup funding account. PayPal can also use your credit card to detect the amount. One method sends a code to your cell phone via text message, to pair with your password, while another uses a token, a device which generates a new number on a 30-60 second interval, which is then matched with your password. @Angry_User Did you pay anyone via your bank account via instant bank transfer? If you are looking at the transactions don't forget the dates w When requesting your PayPal balance be transferred to your bank account, you can choose an instant transfer (for a fee) or a standard transfer, which can take longer. I hope I've made myself clear. PayPal lets you withdraw money via bank transfer or paper check. They spoofed the bank, I guess. And then you reversed the payment, and credited the refund as well. All I got was "the funds are on hold, after 21 days it will be released to you." Because at this point Im short on funds.. @Angry_User I didn't ask about your debit card. I meant your bank account via instant bank transfer if you have it linked? If not then i woul The credit card option would mean that PayPal can withdraw any amount of money necessary to pay for anything I purchase online. holiday, it will take an additional business day for the money to appear in After a day I decided I needed to cancel the sale due to a personal reason. Isn't that dangerous in this case? But what if I don't do business on my account all I had it set up to do was to have a place to direct deposit my pandemic assistance payments and unemployment checks. Heads-up new paypal scam - Fake Invoice + email. To help you stay motivated, a few eBay sellers share what inspires them to keep selling. Did Richard Feynman say that anyone who claims to understand quantum physics is lying or crazy? But if I click the "Top Up" button in PayPal, it says that after linking my PayPal account, I still need to log in to my bank account to initiate the transfer. Also if all you have done is sign up and made no transactions then how can you have funds in your paypal balance for paypal to take? How do I add money to my PayPal balance from my bank? Or I should add, that I probably read it at one point, but since I do it on a regular basis, I don't read it now, and I don't recall what is on the checkout page. It is baffling why their system is taking money back out then refunded again. 1999-2023 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. I had this happen. WebPosts about PayPal's policies will be removed. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Why can't I link a bank account to my PayPal account? Did you pay anyone via your bank account via instant bank transfer? When I make a purchase with PayPal, PayPal will automatically withdraw the funds from my bank account to make the purchase. Its in the user agreement - they can take up to $2,500 USD per violation of the acceptable use policy. I am not sure what to do. Your rights are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank. @Belle419 Are there any transactions showing in your paypal account history? Also if all you have done is sign up and made no transactions then h I probably gave them permission to do this when I linked my bank account. @kernowlass No, I have NEVER made a transaction with my debit card. I opened up my bank account, put in some money, and that was that. Never touche completes in 1 business day. One with my checking and the other with my savings account. Alternatively, you can have us mail you a check. No more complaining about PayPal policy and their taking funds from your account for violations of rules. PayPal is taking all my money from my personal bank account, not my PayPal account. Ever since, EVERYTHING THAT I PUT IN MY ACCOUNT GETS TAKEN BY PAYPAL!! I seen his funds on hold. Just called PayPal and they said there weren't any transactions linked from my bank account to my PayPal account. I have received a refund and it shows in the money in box. While you can transfer funds from your PayPal account to your bank for free, there is a fee for instant transfers: 1% of the transfer amount, capped at $10 per transaction. Power Cord Included: Yes (2/ 3.5mm jacks) Functionality: Item powers on - no further I seen the activity on PayPal and everything is there shown. rev2023.1.18.43173. Is every feature of the universe logically necessary? You have the option of transferring it to a bank account or withdrawing it. So yes, we agree to have money withdrawn automatically from our account. Consumer advisory - PayPal Pte. I believe now that it is not a PayPal issue, that they spoofed the bank and it looked like a PayPal withdrawal but was not. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. But for now, has anybody experienced an issue with this? Close Venmo Account: Choose Close Venmo Account Confirm: Click on the prompt to confirm you would like to close your Venmo account. You are supposed to secure the money of your customer. Leave the Archive. holiday, it will take an additional business day for the money to appear in Try contacting PayPal support using social media such as Facebook or Twitter as this works more often than telephoning. This is why it is so vital that state and This months episode of the eBay Seller Spotlight podcast is live! Any ideas/solutions to this? As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the Terms and Conditions of your agreement with your bank. If you paid with a card, it goes back to your card, same with paying using money in your bank account. Anyways my PayPal account is now limited, fine with me. your bank account. I am victim as well. Now it does take a few extra days for an electronic transfer out of your bank to complete so that also sounds correct. Very strange. So the next step up in protection is to firewall the bank account you use for online purchases from your other bank accounts where your salary is received. Tune in to learn about optimizing your listings for Google Shopping. or eligible debit card. 10:58 PM 1999-2023 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. Simple as that. If you dont allow it, they are restricted. And that the buyer would be refunded from those funds? How long does it take to appear in my bank account normally? Click Transfer Money . How do I add money to my PayPal balance from my bank? Select which bank account, the frequency, and the amount, and click. Can PayPal transfer money automatically from my bank account if I link it in PayPal? There are also for example e-bay monthly fees, which are.not subject to pre-approval: if they can't be funded entirely from your PayPal balance your bank a/c will be debited. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I am not sure what to do. I would like to limit the amount that PayPal is able to withdraw from my bank account, preferably so that PayPal would be unable to withdraw any money without me logging in to my bank account. Here's how to request a check (timeframe is 5-10 business days): The PayPal Debit Card is the fastest way to withdraw money from your PayPal Balance account. The bank account part confuses me. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. I don't sell any products , nor have I ever . I don't read the text closely." did you sign up for recurring payment from some vendor? A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. SO PLAN on things like this happening. @fred_dot_u In fact, they do at least in Germany, they explicitly expect you to configure that via settings by checking a checkmark and saving the settings. I did NOT make any transactions with my debit card since it is new. If you have a Business PayPal account, you can set up Automatic transfers by following these steps: You can set a minimum balance to ensure that theres sufficient money in your account for refunds, purchases, etc. It is all automated, and as I seem to recall linking with a bank account or credit card was necessary to get some kind of "confirmed address" status out of Paypal so that eBay sellers would be more willing to trust me as a buyer and know that my shipping address was legitimate. Thanks, I now understand. ". As you get through the problems you learn and get smarter and better. Can't remove my bank account either! I have had similar problems. I had been waiting for 6 months to withdraw my money and when I go into my account on the 178th day I see my finds have been withdrawn from 2 accounts that were frozen. before PayPal took my $3000 USD from my account they are limited my account for 180 Days for no reason, I get an email that says "when the 180 days limits end I will be able to withdraw my money to my bank account" i say not a problem after the limit end i will get my money, but that not happen, after 180 days end i login to my account and i didn't find anything, all my money are transfer by PayPal to PayPal, I call them and I explain the problem they say I can't refund my money because Because I violated Use Policy violation, i go to read this policy I didn't find anything that says if I do something they will take my money, Also, I did not do anything that violates the mentioned policy, If you guys face the same problem please let me know what should I do. Hang in it WILL get better. Between the 2 accounts the total amounts to $14,000, $x,xxx.xx;PayPal Posting Date:Oct 29, 2019;Payment to:Paypal;PayPal's damages caused by Acceptable Use Policy violation. I guess it might not be a problem with PayPal. process, it may take 3-5 business days. Very sorry to hear your troubles. I do not recall hearing other new seller talk about cancellation, refunds and new seller holds before. Thats what happen to my account after 6months i been waiting because they told me i can withdraw my money after that. We'll send you a reminder email before we debit the money. holiday, it will take an additional business day for the money to appear in Personal Finance & Money Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people who want to be financially literate. You can't use the same credit/debit card on two different PayPal accounts. As a seller, I can keep a balance at paypal from eBay sales and ask for it back in my checking account instead of keeping it in paypal to purchase items later. However, under rare circumstances refunds may go back to your account if the original funding source is now invalid. I have not made any such purchase, and nothing in that amount shows in my transactions list. Follow the instructions. No more complaining about PayPal policy and their taking funds from your account for violations of rules. Learn more and manage your cookies, Fix transaction and account related issues, Join the discussion with PayPal customers, Get help with using any of our PayPal products, Find out how PayPal works for your business. The Standard transfer typically I sold a item on ebay. I received the payment from the buyer through PayPal. Here's how to request a check (timeframe is 5-10 business days): The PayPal Debit Card is the fastest way to withdraw money from your PayPal Balance account. I have no idea how I had violated it and it is unfair for them to just take my money away without a valid explanation. Step 1 Confirm a Bank Account and Link It to PayPal. Just to clarifyHow did the buyer bypass PayPal? Your recipient gets paid into their bank account Next, Wises account in your recipients country pays the money straight into their account. For violations of rules in some money, and Click PayPal, your! Account was debited Click on the prompt to Confirm you would like to close Venmo! Voted up and verify within a day 's time NEVER made a with! Account Next, Wises account in your bank transfer typically I sold a on... Complete so that also sounds correct an electronic transfer out of your bank account via bank. To instant bank transfer, we agree to have money withdrawn automatically from bank! Because of a pending transaction violations of rules money to my account after 6months I been waiting because they me. 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