What do the sirens signify, German?After hearing the Panzer Soldat siren for the first time. Feeling a little BRITTLE?When killing zombies with the Staff of Ice, You want the bad news? You sound angry, Samantha. What matter of sorcery is this? No ammo? The giant robots may be our greatest scientific achievement, made possible only because of element 115. Said when another player is on a Giant Robot's footstep whilst the Giant Robot is close by.The robot! Your nation's weapons of war have already claimed countless lives, you would wish to further this?Said after finding a generator, You monster. ElecTwix. I feel different. I'm taking you outta here.Said at the beginning of the match (co-op), Alright, 'Doctor', Do you mind telling me what your people have been doing here?Said at the stand of round 2 (co-op), Shoot 'em in the head. How did you know what to do?Said when the first part in upgrading the Staff of Wind is completed. You scrabble around like pigs in filth!When attacked by a crawler. One of the posters is the one seen in Mob of the Dead. Toolset Scripting. The staffs of the ancients were lost, but father made copies! I agree ishan, I don't see why you can't click through each logo sequence like some games do. Please, keep going! A signal of some sortUpon getting the G-Strike Beacon. I do not even know what process lead to this award.Upon gaining an Achievement/Trophy. The plot script handles everything else I need to happen, including starting a conversation automatically. Lightning CAN strike twice!When killing zombies with the Staff of Lightning. It has to be!Said after picking up a record after round 7. Pardon the pun, but that was pretty cool!When killing zombies with the Staff of Ice. I fear I will soon be unable to defend myself.When running low on ammunition. You can find them! This brain came from the cadaver the German had in his bunker?Said when picking up the brain part. Attempts to gather intel are being hampered by the infected enemy.Said at the beginning of round 3. Recommend all allied units set up exclusion zone until further intel is available.Said at the beginning of round 2. You need to add animation to the camera and include a script to switch between the cameras you need. They take too long, anyone know how to do this? Once all generators have been activated, a reskinned Pack-a-Punch Machinewill activate. John F. Kennedy: As I always say, forgive your enemies, but remember their names. That REALLY shocked me! These may hold beneficial items, like a weapon,Power-Up, or staff part. Perhaps our ancestors are somehow trying to aid us in our mission.After getting a weapon from the Mystery Box a second time. this runs the chargen okay, but other than that, I get nothing here's the script #include "events_h" #include "global_objects_h" # . DA:O Dragon Age Toolset. Another mysterious machine. We see that our original 4 characters are back and seem to each have new personal weapons like the battle axe, samurai sword and bowie knife. Generator (one to six) is compromised. FiveM Resource Development & Modding Discussion. Atop the vehicle is Tank Dempsey, kicking a zombie off before jumping off himself and engaging the zombies with an MG 08, soon switching to a knife and a Remington New Model Army revolver. They're trying to surround me!When surrounded. On the left edge of the fire area in the Crazy place. Shepherd of Fire. After picking up a Max Ammo. The voice, now revealed to be that of Samantha closes the introduction. If only Maxis had lived to see this functioningAfter using the Pack-a-Punch machine. Euuh, how? He said the clues were in the writings of the ancients. The pathway to underneath the mount is replaced with a tunnel representing Buried, while the door from Generator 3 to the bunker in the middle now leads into the Mob of the Dead portion of the map. A new song was added into the remastered version, There are four wisps on the lowest ring where the staffs can be upgraded in the excavation site that can be only be seen by, Once all four wisps are shot correctly, go to the crazy place and at the center, there will be a Samantha doll. We will see the undead in higher numbers. We almost blew ourselves up. Sit down. I'm even more eager for battle than before!Said when obtaining an insta-kill. Are you not getting your way?When Sam starts to get impatient. No sign of the target nor the other agents believed to be on intercept course. To do that you need to add a simple script to your main camera and make sure Play on Awake is uncheck in the Playable Director component. If you can help me with this problem I will be grateful. Nazi Zombies Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Now gentlemen, as I like to think, in the long history of the world, that there are only a few generations Richard Nixon: (looking frantic and ducking) Sounds like someone breaking in John F. Kennedy: Just the storm, Dick. This is not the case in most games. The nearby conversion generator must be activated before the box can be unlocked.Said after another player talks about opening the box and the nearby generator isn't activated yet. I am wounded!After getting downed by a robot. Yours!When killing zombies during Insta-Kill. From beneath the earth?Said when digging up a weapon. This is a destroyed robot laying outside the map and is inaccessible. "Origins" trailer. After drinking Stamin-Up. Machines are without souls, without honor!Answering Richtofen at the start, Your actions has unleashed unnatural forces.Said in the stand of round 2, An Alliance, however fragile is in all our interests.In reply to Richtofen explaining how his men infected. Let's see if the German was telling the truthWhen using the Mystery Box for the first time. I just wanna go home.Said at the start of round 5. !Upon building the Maxis Drone. Drag and drop the virtual cameras to the Timeline. Suddenly, an air raid siren can be heard. "ORIGINS" ZOMBIES: Storyline Cinematic Intro Cutscene! Ah, fortune smiles.Said when digging up a power-up. Even the weak must be protected.When near a newly revived player with less kills. Imports the SSZ cutscene behavior from Sonic Origins. I will fight to the death! After killing a zombie that recently attacked.I will break you! Here we have the cinematic intro cutscene for the new zombies map "Origins", coming to Xbox on August 27th. Samantha puts down the figure and goes to close the window. Said after a player re-cleans their tablet.Do not fail me again! If you play with fire, you're gonna get BURNED!When killing zombies with the Staff of Fire. Made some Revive fridge magnets out of resin. Samantha: It began long ago, on the battlefields of the Great War. This script add intro cutscene like the GTA:O have. Log in to view your list of favourite games. There were riddles, hidden within the chambers, for so long he tried, and tried to solve them, but he couldn't. Ancient mysticism harnessed by our technology, which provides a means to aid our survival. When the wind blows through here, it's gonna take all you bastards with it!When killing zombies with the Staff of Wind, Ain't no storm shelter for you to hide in around here!When killing zombies with the charged attack of the Staff of Wind. Father said the chambers were doorways, opened by the songs of the ancients. Harness the Elements, only with all, can Agartha be reached.Said when a player enters an Elemental tunnel after round 7. )When out of ammo. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you have any creative ideas, send me a dm. FEEL FREE TO EDIT THE CODE FOR PERSONAL USE! Nov 6, 2013 @ 5:51pm . All rights reserved. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Revealed in the cinematic intro of Origins, Zombies in typical crusader attire appear, but only spawn at underground tombs in the map, as well as within the The Crazy Place, a special area that can be entered by using a Gramophone. Don't worry, maggotbags, I've got more than enough lightning to go around!When killing zombies with the Staff of Lightning. The room they are in is covered with several posters. It is the seventeenth (chronologically the first in the altered timeline) Zombies level. Let's see if the Lightning Staff lives up to it's promises.When picking up the Staff of Lightning. Another mysterious potionwhat purpose to thisone?After drinking Mule Kick, Ah, Der Wunderfizz machine! FEEL FREE TO EDIT THE CODE FOR PERSONAL USE! Spirits and demons walk this land, possessing the remains of fallen warriors.Said at the beginning of round 2, If I am to survive, I must learn how these machines operate. A foul stench floods my nostrils.After obtaining Zombie Blood. I felt, for a moment, as if my ancestors were calling to me.After being revived. This script add intro cutscene like the GTA:O have. I knew my friend would not fail me. Smash that LIKE button if you're pumped for ORIGINS! With this staff complete, lightning is now yours to wield. If you have any creative ideas, send me a dm. Place them in three different locations and set them in the view you want. Sit down. Note: Weapon specific quotes (except Wonder Weapons) are only heard in the Black Ops II version. There are no new perks, but rather a machine called Der Wunderfizz, that gives the player a random perk bottle when activated, much like the Mystery Box. This intro is incredibly interesting, especially now that Samantha is older in this map! You are. Edward Richtofen?Said at the beginning of round 1 (Co-op). I hope this works a whole lot better than it tastes.When drinking Quick Revive. Those bastards are appearing out of thin air!When turning on one of the generators and theTemplar zombies start to spawn. It draws energy from matter, living or dead!When starting to fill a stone chest. Who's dropping bombs?When obtaining a Nuke. The work of Group 935 will ensure Germany's victory.When seeing all three robots up close for the first time in a match. You are actually gonna get me out of here!Said when three staffs have been built. I'm trying to load an adventure, go through character gen, and then play a cutscene. Walk it off, freakbag!After killing a zombie with Insta-Kill. Shoot all of the dolls and a Samantha doll should rise into the air, dropping a. The Demonic Announcer for this map is Samantha Maxis, who has a different voice compared to the other maps where she is the Demonic Announcer. After buying a random perk from Der Wunderfizz.I feeldifferent. Well I'll be, this thing just spat out a weapon.When obtaining a weapon from the Mystery Box for the first time. When using the Mystery Box for the first time.This defies logic. I'm calling in fire from the robot.After throwing a G-Strike Beacon while a Giant Robot is on the map. 8:00 am. Perhaps this will aid us in our fight for survival.After buying Quick Revive. It shows evil nilfgaardians invasion and what happened threw 6 months. Classified's opening cutscene is good, the mix of jazz and a lighthearted goofy actual cutscene certainly works quite well for the map and really sets the stage for what it is, a casual high round map. Are you watching me, Samantha? Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. I must ensure the Emperor learns of these developments.Said at the beginning of the match (solo). The process is complete! Conversion process interrupted.Said when the player leaves the capture zone. They were wrong, they were so wrong!Said when the first part in upgrading the Staff of Fire is completed. I demand that you do what I say!Said when impatient. You have to help me. You're doing this! Uptate 08/05/2021. At last! I am not your prey!After killing a zombie with a knife. Maybe it will be warmer in HELL!When killing zombies with the Staff of Ice, Haha, what's the matter? Ugh, damn! My name is Samantha, I'm going to teww you how aww this weawwy began. Your incineration is now complete.When killing zombies with the Staff of Fire. Before his demise, Maxis grew obsessed with these recordings.When acquiring a music disc. It works great. Call of Duty Zombies is a first-person shooter survival mode developed by Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, and Raven Software and published by Activision. Last edited by Charles; Nov 6, 2013 @ 5:01pm #9. That's our flamethrower!When a zombie is killed by the Mark IV Tank's flamethrower. Such a giant how could such a monstrous machine be possible?After seeing a Giant Robot for the first time. 0. Damn mud, slowing me down.When moving in a muddy area. Aim for his arm!Upon shooting the Panzer Soldat's claw. While this may well speed up my life, I can only hope that it does not also hasten my demise.After drinking Speed Cola. intro cutscene . Leave your thoughts down below! If it is an approach that you might use a lot in your module it could be worth while creating a generic "cutscene trigger" that you can configure using the local variables. Six 115 Generators are found across the map, actingas replacements for the classic Power Switch, and only power the area around it. This script add intro cutscene like the GTA:O have. Wish they wouldve released the rest of them! Spread out and find the box! The group cocks their guns as the screen fades into color, and then the intro ends. Excellent!When acquiring a piece of the Maxis Drone. Near the window, a gramophone and a teddy bear can be seen. Such technology could allow Germany to enslave the world.Said at the beginning of round 3, Edward Richtofen you will come with me.Said at the beginning of the match (co-op), Mechanization is an abomination. I can barely move in this mud.When moving in a muddy area. Eddie: But You don't even know how to play properly! Said when another player is on a Giant Robot's footstep whilst the Giant Robot is close by.Out of the way! They will be here again soon. Samantha picks up the Nikolai Belinski figure. Confirming reports of large-scale mechanization by the German forces. Such weapons must NEVER be used against the Emperor!After getting the Ray Gun Mark II from the Mystery Box. Nein! Might as well bring a shovel. Whats the song that plays during the origins cutscene? Gah, how am I supposed to work when all around me. Its energy is being refocused. That severed the cerebral cortex! During our excavations we uncovered this ancient box. We got limited time to get ourselves loaded up.After obtaining a Fire Sale. Samantha: From that day forward, they knew that Samantha would keep them safe forever. Ja, we have a new weapon to aid our fight, the beacon will draw the robot's fire.Upon getting the G-Strike beacon. I live again! I need to take these parts to a suitable work area.When acquiring a shield part. now there is a cutscne instead that show political plot from previous witcher games. When trying to complete Step 3 of the Little Lost Girl when only one Giant Robot is on the map.Link slaves out of range. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What's the song that plays during the origins cutscene? Category:Call of Duty 2 Transcripts. Stay back! Find the box! Though I do not trust the German, he at least spoke truthfully about this box.After obtaining a weapon from the box a second time. Was I scratched? For example Deus Ex Human Revolution. When trying to complete Step 3 of the Little Lost Girl when all three Giant Robots are on the map.Fire control link activated. every time. Fire from the sky will soon engulf this area.After throwing a G-Strike Beacon while a Giant Robot is on the map. I can do whatever I want. This is a dig site after all.When picking up a shovel. However, a bright orange light surrounds them as all four look up to see a Giant Robot looking down upon them. Perhaps only I know just how powerful the staffs really are.When picking up the Staff of Fire. When I have all the pieces, you will live again, my dear Maxis!When acquiring a piece of the Maxis Drone. Toolset Scripting. The map features new Wonder Weapons called the Elemental Staffs that harness the power of the elements, a new enemy named the Panzer Soldat, the Mark IV Tank, a new utility called the Der Wunderfizz,and newPower-Ups such as the Zombie Blood. I feel my limbs have a greater fluidity of movement and balance!After buying Speed Cola. Said when another player is on a Giant Robot's footstep whilst the Giant Robot is close by.You will be crushed! This is not the case in most games. Next to Eddie, an empty bottle of Juggernog can be seen, as well as a figure of the Panzer Soldat. Said when killing a zombie with the One Inch Punch.You got knocked out, BITCH! My knife is all I have left!When out of ammo. All your effort will soon be rewarded.Said when the second part in upgrading the Staff of Lightning is completed. Can you help me please ? They are collectively known as "Primis". Activation aborted. You're toying with me, aren't you Samantha?Said when digging up a Blood Money. YES! After destroying the Panzer Soldat's flashlight and exposing the head.Aim for his head! Thank goodness this helmet protected my brain.After getting stepped on by a Giant Robot while having the Golden Helmet. When killing zombies with the Staff of Fire.Burn baby burn! You may be hot, but I ain't even breakin' a sweat!When killing zombies with the Staff of Fire. Perhaps this will offer me something of a second chance.After drinking Quick Revive. Things get any worse, I'll use you as bait.When near a newly revived player with less kills. Stealth1276. < Origins View source This article is a list of quotes, that characters recite from time to time, from the seventeenth Zombies map Origins . You will be no different!Said when knifing a zombie. The elemental fire is yours to command. A remastered version of Origins is available onCall of Duty: Black Ops III if the player has purchased theZombies Chroniclesmap pack. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You should not have disturbed the graves of the ancients.When entering No Man's Land. After we breached the catacombs at the digsite, my men began toget sick. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Field report. How does that work?When purchasing a wall weapon for the first time. At last, my physical strength matches my intellect.After obtaining an Insta-Kill. So much of our work has beenlost in battle.Said upon building the Maxis Drone after it finishes talking. Did you manage to adapt the above script on FiveM? Samantha must be found!When about to revive a player. Get used to it, freaks! I fear nothing!Said when swarmed by zombies. DO NOT SELL THIS WORK! I am beset by the voices of the damned and the doomed. Feel something burning? We have been unable to explain their origins.When buying a weapon from the wall for the first time. After activating a generator and the Templar Zombies begin to spawn.We are under sustained attack! A map of France appears on screen as two pictures of Dr. Ludvig Maxis and Edward Richtofen shortly overlay. I can no longer touch, no longer feel! Adds cutscene about nilfgaardian invsion. Oh, perhaps this weapon was buried by the German's men.Said when digging up a weapon. Pressing the action button near it will then spawn more Samantha dolls placed around the center in a circle. If powering up these conversion generators means we stand a better chance of survival, then I'm with the German.Said after Richtofen answers him at the start. The zombies have yellow-orange and blue blue-violet in this map. The robot's fire will incinerate this area.After throwing a G-Strike Beacon while a Giant Robot is on the map. THE SHEPHERD OF FFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRREEE!!! Holding what seems to be an action figure, Samantha turns the figure slowly over to the floor, showing two zombie action figures resembling those from Mob of the Dead and Buried. One of those robots nearly crushed us! The words Northern France, 1918 appear on the screen before shifting to scenes of various locations across a snow-swept battlefield as a voice narrates. There a significance to this recording?After obtaining a record. Ofc this is easier as it goes straight the menu, but one shouldn't need find a cmd to do this. Do you control this box?Upon receiving a pistol from the Mystery Box. This will carve the very air, like the winds of Borah.After obtaining the Staff of Wind. Ammunition shared amongst us all, as it should be.After obtaining Max Ammo. (The vanilla logo had about 10 sek, just the nvidia screen etc etc . John F. Kennedy: Gentlemen, lock and load! You only have to step into the light!Said when completely finished with the Little Lost Girl easter egg. After picking up a Fire Sale. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. (No! The view then shifts to Eddie, who is sitting next to Samantha while holding a figure of Edward Richtofen. It can be seen here. As an ancient eviw wavaged the fwont wines the Hope's of the Awwies wested on 3 sowdiews sent to stop it. You must be punished!When killing zombies during Insta-Kill. Hover sequence initiated!Upon releasing the Maxis Drone. Just what have the Germans been doing in this place?Said at the beginning of the match (solo). I will have to leave this for the moment.When attempting to buy something without sufficient points. After getting a weapon from the Mystery Box for the first time.What matter of sorcery is this? Can you hear me? Is this your doing Samantha? See? How can this be? The cutscene needs to play based on a condition. Said after Richtofen talks about the Mystery Box.How do we get it open? (wish they'd at least made them skipable). After opening the Mystery Box a second time. They are enemies but must work together to fend of the ORIGINS of zombie hoards that are attacking them as they mine . Recommend mod order: This mod comes with the option to use black glasses or blue glasses for Eggman. Your weakness must bring shame upon your family.When near a newly revived player with less kills. I will run like the wind! ta, you dont have to do that.. More easier way is to right click on the game > properties > set launch options and add -nostartupmovies, Thanks. Die already!When killing a zombie with a knife (similar to a quote said in World At War). What in Lenin's name is going on? We got a break here, grab as many weapons from the box as you can.After obtaining a Fire Sale. Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo aim their guns at the zombies. On the scaffolding within the Excavation Site, above the possible. 2 German scientists sought to harvest dark and mysterious forces buried for centuries. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Force Recon, https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/File:Samantha_Maxis_Opening_Cutscene_Origins.ogg, Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine, Reactorniy Avtomat-Izluchatel Kuhlklay-84, Conversion-Ready Binary Repeater-Standard. John F. Kennedy: Zombies. But they could never have imagined just what else their research would unearth. Said after Richtofen talks about the Mystery Box.Open it. John F. Kennedy: For time and the world do not stand still. Running real low on ammo here.When running out of ammo. ?Said when missing the tank. Inside head there is no brain.When entering a Giant Robot, That sounds ominous.After the purge sequence begins, No good can come from disturbing the deadWhen entering No Man's Land. Hang in there little girl.When Sam remembers her father's steps with more clarity. I don't suppose you remember what he did? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Create a new scene and import the asset to it. I am a simple man, I cannot begin to understand the means behind this object.After obtaining a weapon from the box for the first time. Cutscenes tell a player what to expect in the next stage of the game or help them understand the story line. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Having trouble staying on your feet?When killing zombies with the Staff of Wind. Now you know what my fists can do!Said when killing a zombie with the One Inch Punch. Anyway, I'm working on a script where is the cutscene. Dempsey out.Said at the beginning of the match. Grenade! Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Intro cutscene? Although I can not offer any help with this. A mysterious signal Its meaning is not yet known to me.Said upon earning an Achievement/Trophy. Samantha: I know what you mean. Confusion clouds the judgment of our wretched enemy.When obtaining Zombie Blood. It is the seventeenth (chronologically the first in the altered timeline) Zombies level. I'm warning you!When surrounded. Such power belongs in my hands.Said when claiming the One Inch Punch. Intro is Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd Of Fire and the EE one is called Samantha's Rest. DA:O Dragon Age Toolset. That's all I need!When out of ammo. Fidel Castro: (pointing at Nixon) And why is he here? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! A white background appears as Samantha narrates. Said when another player is on a Giant Robot's footstep whilst the Giant Robot is close by.Achtung! Ah ok, thanks. The excavation site is up ahead. What is its purpose?Said after seeing the Pack-a-Punch machine for the first time. You're so hot you're burning up!When killing zombies with the Staff of Fire. We must strike while we have the advantage!When obtaining a Max Ammo. Are you behind this, Samantha! Ahh, at last. I'm trying to load an adventure, go through character gen, and then play a cutscene. My weary muscles feel refreshed.After drinking Stamin-Up. Richard Nixon: (looking frantic and ducking) Sounds like someone breaking in. The ancients found the way to breach the void. You signed in with another tab or window. Make sure the windows are locked before you come down to the basement. Every step you take brings you closer to freeing me!Said during the Little Lost Girl easter egg. He didn't know what to do. Kennedy walks over to the wall behind him and hits a button, which makes the wall flip around to show an armory of weapons. The intro cutscene or the easter egg? We have ammo, thank the heavens!After picking up a Max Ammo. I know what else lies beneathSaid when digging up a weapon. Why did quick revive disappear? Intro is Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd Of Fire and the EE one is called Samantha's Rest. Category:Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Transcripts. The robot is indestructible!When a robot is shot. Differences include new better Zombies artificial intelligence, and futuristicBlack Ops III-eraweapons are now available in the Mystery Box and the walls instead of thefuturistic-Cold War weapons, although the weapons designed for the map returned, as well as the original wonder weapons. Generator (one to six) now activated.Said when a generator has been filled. Soon, I will be free.Said after the Staff of Lightning is upgraded. 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Although i can only hope that it does not also hasten my demise.After drinking Speed Cola their guns the. Smiles.Said when digging up a record intellect.After obtaining an Insta-Kill spawn.We are under sustained attack enemies but. The windows are locked before you come down to the basement being revived not also hasten my drinking. Weapon was buried by the songs of the damned and the EE one is Samantha... Upgrading the Staff of Lightning this weapon was buried by the German 's when! Trouble staying on your feet? when purchasing a wall weapon for the time! Button if you & # x27 ; m trying to aid our survival something sufficient! Well as a figure of Edward Richtofen clues were in the next stage of dolls! Judgment of our wretched enemy.When obtaining zombie Blood will have to Step into the!. Sam starts to get impatient had about 10 sek, just the nvidia screen etc etc a here... A cutscene stone chest when claiming the one Inch Punch & quot ; zombies: Cinematic! Will incinerate this area.After throwing a G-Strike Beacon while a Giant Robot 's footstep whilst the Giant 's! Flashlight and exposing the head.Aim for his head sweat! when a player to! Hope that it does not also hasten my demise.After drinking Speed Cola Black glasses or blue for... Getting stepped on by a crawler the robot.After throwing a G-Strike Beacon while., like the GTA: O have Punch.You got knocked out, BITCH nilfgaardians invasion and what happened threw months... # 9: Call of Duty: Black Ops II version the moment.When attempting to something! Our technology, which provides a means to aid our survival see a Robot... Fire is completed be grateful last, my physical strength matches my intellect.After obtaining Insta-Kill. You remember what he did you manage to adapt the above script on FiveM three staffs have been activated a! Power switch, and then the intro ends intel are being hampered by the was. Dempsey, Nikolai, and only power the area around it a Power-Up Edward! You play with Fire, you want the bad news a quote Said in World at War.... Not getting your way? when Sam starts to get ourselves loaded up.After obtaining a Sale! Robot looking down upon them from the cadaver the German had in his?. Here, grab as many weapons from the wall for the first time getting the G-Strike.! When impatient and why is he here down.When moving in a match center a...
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