The reason for this is that the autopatcher will assume that you will be using the original graphics card and therefore does non-metal patching, which includes removing some drivers for other cards. skipped Opencore Legacy Patcher problems. Have you already verified this is a patcher bug and not a macOS bug on our discord servers? With OCLP, the patcher will always overwrite the current SIP value on boot to ensure that users don't brick an installation after an NVRAM reset. copy the EFI Folder from the "OpenCore-0.5.2-RELEASE" Folder? Creating a clone with CCC/DiskDuper/Macrium all end with a copy that doesn't boot so I applied the opencore legacy patcher after disabling SIP via a separate MacBook. 1+0 records in However my second monitor was not working in 12.3.1 in so I erased the partition and the USB drive. Step 3 Follow the Questions and choose your Drive for OC, enter and confirm with your Root Password. -> iMac 2009 27inch, upgraded graphics card, Internal SSD, managed to boot it with oclp 0.1.7, but cant patch kexts, if you dont have an upgraded graphics card you wont have graphics acceleration btw. A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Troubleshooting OpenCore Legacy Patcher not launching Stuck on This version of Mac OS X is not supported on this platform Cannot boot macOS without the USB Infinite Recovery OS Booting Reboot when entering Hibernation (Sleep Wake Failure) Booting with a non-flashed GPU How to Boot Big Sur Recovery Stuck on "Your Mac needs a firmware update" No Brightness Control Cannot connect Wi-Fi on Monterey with legacy cards No Graphics Acceleration Black Screen on MacBookPro11,3 in macOS Monterey No . By 14+0 records in This error occurs when macOS determines that the current firmware does not have full APFS support. The idea why do not use OpenCore Configurator for editing plist, because the OpenCore is updated so often, the OpenCore Configurator cannot updated as fast as the OpenCore papadiche said: Used ProperTree to generate the config.plist and started from the guide all over (fourth time! If you need to do this manually, you can do so within the patcher app. The good news is that the people at Dortania have worked out a way to allow owners of older Macs that dont get support for macOS Big Sur and Monterey to still run those OS X versions with relative ease, using a tool called OpenCore Legacy Patcher. Correction on Janis command to create the bootable installer, it should have two (2) dashes before volume, not one (1) as shown. 3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Note: For those no needing the extra drivers BootCamp provides, you can delete the following: Apple Wifi card users will want to keep the following: Irregular partition setup of the Windows drive, specifically that the EFI is not the first partition. Following my config.plist copy the related SSDT*.aml, xxxxxx.efi & xxxxxx.kext to ACPI, Drivers, & Kexts folders in your /EFI/OC/. Creating the partition map *in step 5) use macOS Extended (HFS+) with a GUID partition map (Using GUID is important for the patcher). And OpenCore itself does not support MBR based installs so the utility is useless to us, Not required but can help alleviate headaches when Windows erases the BOOTx64.efi OpenCore uses. 1. I have an ASUS legacy MOBO and have problems to set up OpenCore 0.5.2 . That usually works for me. After that, the only thing left to do is perform the installation by following the usual prompts for installing macOS. Example of how to find it: The Length and checksum value is what we care about, so if our SSDT is actually 347 bytes then we want to change Length to 0x0000015B (347)(the 015B is in HEX), Best way to actually fix this is to grab a newer copy of iASL or Acidanthera's copy of MaciASL (opens new window) and remaking the SSDT, Outdated OpenRuntime.efi, make sure BOOTx64.efi, OpenCore.efi and OpenRuntime are all from the same exact build. 87+0 records in Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. For the latter, you'll need to run the following(replace filename.msi with the BootCamp installation msi): Comments (1) khronokernelcommented on December 27, 2022 We rely on HID proxy support from your bluetooth controller. A long time mac user and developer, she has the expertise and strives to give new insight, Login to add posts to your read later list, First, you need to download the macOS version that you want. Our project's main goal is to breath new life to Macs no longer supported by Apple, allowing for the installation and usage of macOS Big Sur and newer on machines as old as 2007. Formatting disk4s1 as MS-DOS (FAT32) with name OPENCORE To work-around this, we recommend that users manually connect using the "other" option in the Wi-Fi menu bar or manually adding the network in the "Network" preference pane. To boot without the USB drive plugged in is quite simple: Download OpenCore Legacy Patcher Change Patcher settings as you'd like Build OpenCore again Install OpenCore to internal drive Reboot holding Option, and select the internal EFI And voila! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Reminder that the option will be called EFI Boot. Once rebooted, acceleration will be re-enabled as well as brightness control for laptops. If you follow the guide and set your hack's USB ports correctly you won't need any of the things you have tried. -> iMac 2009 27inch, upgraded graphics card. 512 bytes transferred in 0.002431 secs (210620 bytes/sec) Did you mix the two methods? Are you trying install Mac OS 12 beta? Such was the case with macOS Big Sur, and this tendency continues with the recent release of macOS Monterey. Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. However, some users may have noticed that their brightness keys do not work. I am using 0.5.8. A common area for systems to get "stuck", namely for units that are missing the AES CPU instruction/older mobile hardware. Here is the list of models that Apple has dropped with the release of Monterey: OpenCore Legacy Patcher is a program that lets you install macOS Big Sur on older, unsupported Macs that officially cannot run this macOS version. Note 3: The EFI partition OpenCore was installed on must be mounted. You signed in with another tab or window. fdisk:*1> Device could not be accessed exclusively. So a neat feature of OpenCore is the ability to avoid the BIOS entirely and use Startup disk solely for multiboot. It does that itll eventually come to life. OCLP 0.42 Boot Picker doesn't accept inputs from wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. Please update them accordingly, Ensure your EFI/OC/Drivers matches up with your config.plist -> UEFI -> Drivers, If not, please run Cmd/Ctrl+R with OpenCore to re-snapshot your config.plist, If the above doesn't work, reverse: disable, While most firmwares will include it by default, some laptops and older PCs may still need, Note: MaciASL distributed by Rehabman are prone to ACPI corruption, please avoid it as they no longer maintain their repos, Incorrect EFI folder structure, make sure all of your OC files are within an EFI folder located on your ESP(EFI system partition). You can find a detailed list of those limitations on the official GitHub page of OpenCore, so we advise you to carefully study the compatibility section before you continue. Password: Turn off Vaulting in your config.plist under Misc -> Security -> Vault by setting it to: If you have already executed the sign.command you will need to restore the OpenCore.efi file as the 256 byte RSA-2048 signature has been shoved in. Can I just restore the EFI partition on the hard disk by copying the one I have on the "vanilla" hard disk (which is not physically installed in the machine yet)? ----------------------------------------------------- I followed a tutorial and created a USB disc for open core, but every time I boot to it it boots into windows instead of Mac. The USB drive must be formatted as FAT32 and in master boot mode, 1. See Configuration.pdf (opens new window) and Can't find Windows/BootCamp drive in picker entry for more details. MacBookPro11,3's GMUX has difficulties switching back to the iGPU to display macOS correctly. Credit goes to u/dosdude1, u/ASentientBot, iPixelGalaxy, parrotgeek1, u/GameRoof and others, Press J to jump to the feed. hey, i would like to ask you to share this EFI folder. With "no boot" I mean a black screen with a blinking cursor at top left of the screen. fdisk: 1> logout, Mac-Pro-Rodion:~ rodion$ nvram 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:boot-path 1. It was built by boot install.command advised by OC guide: Instead, you'll need to either manually transfer OpenCore to the internal drive's EFI or run this patcher's Option 2 again and select your internal drive. macOS Monterey 12.0 for unsupported Macs. However if your system starts to crash spontaneously shortly after, you'll want to reinstall macOS fresh without importing any data at first. 1+0 records in UHCI and EHCI cannot both be used at once, so using a USB hub will always force the EHCI controller on. As a work-around, we recommend users try out the below app: With OCLP v0.2.5, we've added support for legacy Wi-Fi on Monterey. I let it go for a night and came back to it loaded halfway. To fix the latter, we need to enable this quirk: This is due to alignment issues, make sure SyncRuntimePermissions is enabled on firmwares supporting MATs. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Attached new config.plist for M5A FX-6300 hackintosh booted by OpenCore 0.5.8 successfully ! New door for the world. . Shutdown Windows and start your Mac/Hackintosh or VirtualBox with macOS. Offset: 0 Signature: 0xAA55 This is a strange and maybe not important issue but Ive used OCLP to successfully upgrade a 2010 MacPro 5,1 (2 x 2.4GHz quad core, 24GB Ram and NVidia GTX 680 2GB Metal GPU) from Mojave to Big Sur 11.6. the same with GPT one, but no need to make active partition. You signed in with another tab or window. opencore-legacy-patcher Boot Picker wireless Keyboard & Mouse not working about opencore-legacy-patcher HOT 1CLOSED peekptcommented on December 27, 2022 Boot Picker wireless Keyboard & Mouse not working from opencore-legacy-patcher. For AMD FX-xxxx hackintoshs use OpenCore 0.5.0 and my config.plist as the baseline structure, 3. What drive(s) do you have installed. I use Boot Camp, but I've changed the start up disk 1,000,000 times to the Mac and . Most installs now are UEFI based but those made by BootCamp Assistant in macOS are legacy based, so you'll have to find other means to make an installer(Google's your friend). Due to Apple dropping NVIDIA Kepler support in macOS Monterey, MacBookPro11,3's GMUX has difficulties switching back to the iGPU to display macOS correctly. bps=512 spc=16 res=32 nft=2 mid=0xf8 spt=32 hds=255 hid=2 drv=0x80 bsec=30489406 bspf=14873 rdcl=2 infs=1 bkbs=6 512 bytes transferred in 0.002391 secs (214149 bytes/sec) Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy. Fast Boot. /dev/disk4 (external, physical): When you purchase through some links on, we may earn a commission. For older OSes, OpenCore may function however support is currently not provided from Dortania. Am I doing something wrong? *1: 0B 1023 254 63 - 1023 254 63 [ 2 - 30489406] Win95 FAT-32 Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Different usb sticks, different ports, same result. By default, the patcher will try to hide extra boot options such as recovery from the user. Then I erased all partitions and formatted in FAT32, and tried with Original OpenCore 0.5.7 using your method. A Python-based project revolving around Acidanthera's OpenCorePkg and Lilu for both running and unlocking features in macOS on supported and unsupported Macs. What this means is that more and more older Mac models are no longer able to use the latest macOS versions, which may inconvenience a lot of users. /dev/disk4 (external, physical): To do this, first open, Next, copy the following command, paste it in the Terminal window, and hit, Once the command is executed, you will see a list of all the available macOS versions that you can download select the one you prefer by typing its number in the terminal and pressing, Next, you must use the Disk Utility tool of your Mac to format the USB device that you will be using for the macOS installation. Whether you want to install macOS Monterey or Big Sur on your older Mac, the process is the same, and we will give you a brief explanation of how to do it. Mac-Pro-Rodion:~ rodion$, /Users/rodion/src/OpenCorePkg/UDK/Build/OpenCorePkg/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/OpenCore-0.5.9-RELEASE/Utilities/BootInstall/BootInstall.command ; exit; Mid 2010 MacBook Pro 13. With the help of the OpenCore Legacy Patcher, you can run macOS versions on unsupported computers. A semi-common popup some users face is the "Volume Hash Mismatch" error: What this error signifies is that the OS detects that the boot volume's hash does not match what the OS is expecting, this error is generally cosmetic and can be ignored. Fixing RTC Clover boot of FX-6300 hackintosh at 10.13.6, 10.14.6, & 10.15.0 all working, but try to boot by Legacy OpenCore got booting error immediately. Do you wish to write new MBR? Also, before you start, you must make sure that your Mac is compatible with this whole procedure there are a lot of limitations to what hardware your Mac can have in order for you to be able to perform the whole process. I have tried selecting Settings/General/Startup . Thanks in advance. boot1f32 -> newbs 0: FDisk_partition_scheme *15.6 GB disk4 Keep in mind that the Discord is maintained by the community, so we ask everyone to be respectful. A reboot will be needed for changes to take effect. To fix this, open OCLP and revert root patches to get your Metal-supported GPU work again. Make sure you have your MacBook plugged in that might help. (Though I did order one) should I just let it go unbothered or restart it again? Where do I get this/these Files or how do I creat this/these Files? sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ volume /Volumes/MyVolume, See Apple guidance here Check your logs whether your firmware supports Memory Attribute Tables(generally seen on 2018 firmwares and newer). #: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [ start - size] Volume OPENCORE on disk4s1 mounted Shure, after BootInstall, I copied my EFI folder with drivers, .efi, kexts, config.plist With "no boot" I mean a black screen with a blinking cursor at top left of the screen. By clicking "Got it", you consent to our use of cookies. Open your macOS Terminal and type in sudo, then drag from the OpenCore Folder "Utilities/BootInstall" the File BootInstall.command and drag it the Terminal and enter. When choosing a partition, select a FAT32/EFI partition. With the release of macOS Monterey, eight more Mac models joined the list of Apple machines that are no longer supported and that cannot use the latest OS X version. Mount it and youll find the installer application. OpenCore should pick up on this entry automatically "You can't change the startup disk to the selected disk" error This is commonly caused by either: 3rd Party NTFS Drivers (ie. Thes are the settings you should be using in your system: Disable. I'll show you step-by-step how to use OpenCore Legacy Patcher to install macOS Ventura on y. This will create two partitions: the main MyVolume and a second called EFI which is used as a boot partition where your Macs firmware will check for boot files. I had successfully installed Monterey 12.3.1 onto a disk partition using OpenCore Legacy Patcher. Step 4 Alternatively, you can remove "AutoPkg-Assets.pkg" from /Library/Packages on the USB drive before proceeding with the installation. Kernel Issues This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. fdisk: could not open MBR file /usr/standalone/i386/boot0: No such file or directory /usr/standalone/i386/boot0 was not found, we use boot0 from script folder cd "$(dirname "$0")"instead of the default one. Hoping OP replies. JavaScript is disabled. To use OpenCore Legacy Patcher to install macOS Monterey, you must first download and build a macOS installer. No boot either. Medusa100 2 yr. ago. This, in turn, adds those models to the list of Macs that receive OpenCore Legacy Patcher support, so if you own a Mac that belongs to that list, you can use OpenCore to install on it Monterey, even though this OS release doesnt officially have support for your Mac. That's where the BootCamp utilities come in. Please write me exactly howto setup a USB Stick an a Mac. Stick an a Mac iGPU to display macOS correctly Patcher, you can remove `` AutoPkg-Assets.pkg from... 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