When God asked them how they knew they were naked, and asked them if they had eaten from the tree they were not to. Even if this translation is accurate, which is debatable, it does not say that they walked with God. I have found Bible studies that indicate that God fellowshipped or walked with Adam and Eve, and they refer to Genesis 3:8. Im not opposed to this idea. Yes, Jesus is God and was in the beginning with God, but the part about the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us (John 1:14) is a reference to the Incarnation that began when He was conceived in Marys womb. One of those commandments was as follows: "And the LORD God gave this command to Adam: 'You may freely eat from every tree in the garden, except you must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of . When he made Eve, he took a rib, closed up Adams side with flesh and then he brought the woman to Adam. Or perhaps just the knowledge of being disobedient & the result of knowing their nakedness is what caused him to be afraid. I appreciate your effort Tim, thank you. I believe God appeared to Adam and Eve and Cain and Enoch and Noah and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob (when He wrestled with Him) and the parents of Samson, and even to Balaam and his donkey, the same way He appeared to John. Third, Adams response at seeing Eve confirms the point: This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh (Genesis 2:23). Therefore God was not always with them in the Garden, not as we know it anyway. Awesome, you as a Dad leading his children, as the word instructs. Psalm 29 also uses strong imagery to show how the sound of the Lord acts upon nature like a powerful storm, breaking and bending trees and stripping off their leaves (Psalm 29:59, NET). I would agree with much of what you wrote, and I believe Ive stated as much in the article and follow up comments. This is what most people have in mind when they speak of the Lord walking with Adam and Eve. #1. It would be far better to use a supporting argument that has a strong biblical basis. In God's sight they are like filthy rags. We did not know, nor trained ourselves to do that and now see our own child in the consequences. Please read Genesis 3:8-10: "Later they HEARD the VOICE OF JEHOVAH GOD as he was walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife hid from the face of Jehovah God among the trees of the garden. they heard him rebuke them. "And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. 16 I also will do this unto you I will appoint unto you terror consumption burning ague that shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart and you shall sow your seed in vain your enemies shall eat it17 and I will set my face against you 18 and if you still dont listen to Mei will punish you 7 times more for your sins please not that it is sin that seperates man from god. The problem with this scenario is that Adam and Eve were almost certainly not in the Garden very long. And maybe that is it, people just want to believe they they did as that is such a powerful feeling knowing God is walking with you. Lord God (Jesus) walked among Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If you must doubt something, I think you would have to doubt that. 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. I happened on this post because the thought came to my mind that God only walked with Adam, not EveI do not know why I had the thought, and I had not checked Gods Holy Word on the issue, but I read your article which partly validated my thought in an unexpected way. God also provided quail for a whole month (Numbers 11:1920). I dont find your suggestion to be plausible. The Hebrew verb, halak, is translated as "walking" in this passage. Genesis 3:21 comes after Genesis 3:7, in which Adam and Eve ate from the Tree and realized they were naked. And a good place to start is The Garden of Eden. As a father communes with His children, so does the Creator with His created beings (Psalm 103:13). So Adam hears a sound, which he knows is the sound of God. never seen what GOD actually looks like. (Gen 3:5-8). 4. These include appearances to Abraham, Hagar, Moses, Joshua (Joshua 5:13), Gideon (Judges 5:12), and the wife of Manoah (Judges 13:3). I am so happy to find your website. Just read John 1 it says God was there in the beginning and on earth in the flesh so just read the book. Perhaps you should take a moment to read the blog post before commenting. If youre interested, heres the link: https://answersingenesis.org/jesus-christ/incarnation/theophanies-in-the-old-testament/ 9 GOD made all kinds of trees grow from the ground, trees beautiful to look at and good to eat. If strong wind is a better translation, then it would not be saying that God was walking in the garden, but instated that He was moving in the garden. They hid when they heard God; however it was that they heard Him. Maybe they did, but the text doesnt tell us that. Well, in Genesis 2, Adam names the animals, and the only words quoted from him in Gen. 2 have to do with what he said when he met Eve: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh (Genesis 2:23). God asks them if they had eaten from the tree, but He already knows the answer. I think for me it comes from the song In the Garden, it is a peaceful way to think God is walking with us. I agree that youre right to the extent that believers should be mindful to validate sermons, statements or stories from pastors. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8).The use of the term walk with reference to God brings up the issue of God communicating to humankind in human language. Jack ~'()~ Adam (perhaps Eve too) was familiar with Gods presence. The Garden of Eden, the terrestrial Paradise known also as the Garden of God, is one of the most famous settings in the Bible. What was their relationship? And 2 kids who wont hear it that way from Dad. Thanks for your thoughts and kind words. But thats not at all what is going on here. Although I agree, you simply cannot prove this one way or another, however I believe the scripture gives us enough evidence to assume with confadence, that Jesus did take a physical form and did actually, literally walk through the garden. They were created with perfect bodies and were husband and wife on the day they were created. #1 Eve "saw" that the tree was good for food. Josh 5:13-15 - the commander of the LORD's army (compare Rev 19:9, 10) Dan 3:25 - the "Son of God" in the fiery furnace. Then God shared his thoughts to Abraham of judging Sodom and Gomorrah. I see familiarity here. What can we honestly infer from the scriptures? The article is not imposing a narrow standard that makes no room for inference or implication. (Meditating upon God's Word makes it a consistent part of our daily . This is a very good example of god walking with his people and his people walking with their god .look at 25:18 where off if you shall do my statutes that is live the way I instruct you to live that is walk in harmony with god then you shall dwell in the land in saftey.pleaseeeeeee this is why your argument is so trivial I have only given one example the whole book is showing how god walks with his people and how he expects them to walk with him read 26:11 and I will set my tabernacle among you 12 AND I WILL WALK AMONG YOU NOW LETS LOOK AT WHAT THE SCENARIO IS WHEN THEY ARE NOT WALING TOGETHER 26:14 but if you will not hearken unto me to not do my commandments( do you know that obeying the commandments is to walk with god)15 if you despise my statues or if your soul abhor my judgements so that you will not do my commandments BUT THAT YOU BREAK MY COVENANT The old has . the Bible states that the man (species) was driven out of the Garden of Eden. That he still comes to them even after theyve sinned emphasizes that they have made the first move away from him, before he moves them away from Himself by putting them out of Eden. I have no doubt that they heard an audible voice when God asked, Where are you? or when He asked who told them that they were naked. I hear it on a regular basis, and many of my coworkers have said it. Thank you for your thoughts I do understand the whirlwind , but Gen says God made them clothes from an animal to replace mans attempt of covering his nakedness. Again, nothing in Scripture tells us that they walked with God or carried on a conversation with Him. Whirlwinds dont speakunless it is God appearing in that form. Tim> However, that fact has very little to do with whether He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. However, God did come physically to Abraham and ate. Also, when Adam and Eve were created, I dont believe they were automatically filled with knowledge as how to take care of themselves, the animals, the garden,etc Your email address will not be published. Tim, thanks for striking the axe at the root of this human imagined concept. They had bone and flesh before they sinned, before they recognized their nakedness. Hi Tim. If the idea being conveyed by the text is a strong wind then this scene was probably quite similar to the way God spoke to Job, as I mentioned in the article. It means closeness, intimacy, communion. The unborn child, the mentally handicapped, the elderly, and even our worst enemiesall are made in the image of God. Here is the verse in its entirety. It is very possible that the angelic beings are also made in the image of God. In this environment, Adam and Eve had safety, abundant food, meaningful work and fellowship with God. If this is the correct way to understand the wording in Genesis 3, then I think it would be something similar. Im always amazed at how strongly some people try to defend certain positions. Christ exemplified the relationship that mankind should have with our heavenly Father and creator. In fact, they didn't even know what want and longing were! That would be what we today would consider a lifetime of experiencing Gods faithfulness and guidance, only to throw it away in a single day! Yet now the man and the woman are hiding from God in fear. I dont have a problem with people thinking that Adam and Eve walked with God (as I stated, they may have), but I want people to realize that the Bible doesnt say that they did. I believe the context of the above verse was a time when ADAM was NOT at enmity with God and they conferred with each other. Considering that each year subtracted from Cain and Abels ages at the time of Abels murder could be added to Adam and Eves time in the Garden, its quite possible that Adam and Eve spent many years in the Garden, which would make their sin all that more sorrowful. You say that since Gods coming is right after Adam and Eve sin, that His reason for coming is to proclaim judgment. 16 The Lord God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; 17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and . But as seasoned believers we need to understand it is better to use our hearts to hear the sermons the pastors preach rather than the details of the text. This is something I have heard countless times, and based on the number of responses trying to justify such a view, its pretty clear that a lot of others have heard it and/or taught it. Would that seem that they must have heard His voice at some other time. What if Adam and Eve were not human as we are today. You claim the following, which I label as CLAIM #1. Hebrews 13:8 God is the same yesterday, and to day and forever more. When God gave commandments to Adam and Eve, he also granted them the ability to intelligently decide whether to keep that covenant from God, or choose to disobey God. We cant know because the Bible doesnt speak to this at all. Im not sure you have dealt sufficiently with the argument that God must have walked with Adam and Eve in the garden previously for Adam and Eve to know that they sound they heard was God. Nothing in that passage says it, and thats the main point of this post. They hear a sound. God bless you. Here is just one example about working the land 26:1 make no idols. So again, lets not be naive to think that God didnt spend time with them! Because the Bible never says that Adam and Eve walked with God. Why would anyone ask such a silly question? Of course, Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden, its written right there in Genesisumahis it 3? But the most beautiful thing of all was that they walked with GOD. Moses was only granted the backside of Jesus. In the later OT the Temple was the place of God's special presence where he made himself known and felt to Israel. Thank you for helpful writing. Well done! Part of the commission to rule over creation would have included the need to study it and figure things out. My guess is that they would not have had nearly enough animals to eat over their forty year wandering. This verse appears immediately after our first parents rebelled against the Creator. It says, "they heard the sound of God walking in the garden", and, " they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord. Of course, the eternal Son, the Word by whom the Father made all things has always been present at the Father's right hand. I know this article about Adam and Eve walking with God in the Garden is over 6 years old, but I just now discovered it. It would be far better to use a supporting argument that has a strong biblical basis. Thanks for your comments. So it seems there would have been little or no point for God to have EVER been in their presence in the manner that this idea assumes: actually relating to them in the ordinary manner in which one human normally would relate to one or more other humans. And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden Genesis 3:8. (Genesis 3:8). Hi Nucc, But what does it really matter, what appears to have happened here (according to some of the responses) is that golden calves have been kicked over and religion has taken a bump on the shins. Once God addresses him, then Adam could say, I heard the sound of You in the garden (Gen. 2:10, ESV). (Vs. 21) Did the wind drive them out of the garden? Adam & Eve hid themselves from God. The Genesis account contains provocative clues as to what Adam and Eve lost by withdrawing from God. In conclusion, the whole of chapter 2 & 3 causes me to conclude that Adam regularly communed with God somehow; and to me probably daily (or at least almost) since we know we are the apple of His eye. Have you ever wondered exactly how the conversation between God and Adam went down in the Garden of Eden? Yes, Adam and Eve were sinless, but this doesnt mean that Gods physical presence needed to be right where they were. may I use your illustration in a short story that I will submit for publication on a non-commercial website (perhaps only my own personal website, if I cannot find acceptance at a more widely viewed site)? I love my time with Him and when Im not with Him I want to do the right thing by Him, unlike Adam and Eve! God Was Angry. We do see examples of theophanies in the Old Testament where God does appear to people in human form, as He did to Abraham. What does it even mean? God loved to come and take a walk in the garden in the evenings when the shadows were cool, and the flowers smelled sweet, and when all the animals came out to play. Genesis 2:15-17 doesn't provide many details, 15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. He knew good because he once served God; he then knew evil because he committed evil in his rebellion from the Father. Was it God walking or was it something different? ILL TAKE YOUR APOLIGE NOW ,,WHERE THEY USE TO WALK WITH GOD ,THEY CHOOSE TO HIDE !! The adverbial phrase in the cool of the day (NIV, NASB, NJB) or the breezy time of the day (NJPS, NAB) translates the Hebrew phrase wind [rah] of the day. The NRSVs rendering makes the time more explicit, at the time of the evening breeze (also REB). Maybe this is why pastors and teachers teach it this way (that God regularly walked with Adam and Eve), because they can see from the word study that this was a regular occurrence. For more on the issue of Cains wife, see this article: https://answersingenesis.org/bible-characters/cain/cains-wife-who-was-she/. We know that God is capable of doing this, but >>my point< OK, so does the Bible state or imply that He didnt walk with Adam & Eve BEFORE they sinned? Conclusion. He could have spoken out of a whirlwind to them and banished them from the Garden in that form. Although Exodus established that God was present everywhere through the judgement on Egypt, it also taught that God would be present in a special way in the tabernacle (later to be replaced by the temple). As you supposed, God did provide water for the animals too. God speaks, asking Adam where he is. The first words recorded from Eve are from her encounter with the serpent. Regarding your logic in your blog post here, titled, Did Adam and Eve Walk with God in the Garden? No the bible didnt directly say they walked with God. Do you think that statement is a stepping stone for misleading Gods people? I believe it is very important to know what is and isnt in the Bible. GOD'S WORD Translation. Seasoned or mature believers should know the text, the text is the milk, living the text is the meat. I can see that cool of the day can be also be breath, spirit, or wind. God appeared and revealed Himself in many different ways throughout the Old Testament. On page 57 of Heaven you say Before the Fall, God came to Eden to visit with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:8). This passage refers to God walking in the Garden after Adam and Eve have fallen, but before God has confronted them. There is a possibility that we should understand that Hebrew text to be speaking about something more like the whirlwind at the end of Jobthat they heard the sound of God moving about (not walking) in the Garden. The texts of Genesis 1-3 outright tell us ONLY what is necessary for our understanding of the events from Creation to the Fall, not of side issues that mean nothing for a proper interpretation of these texts. I dont think its a matter of God wanting or not wanting to spend time with His creation, but more of a matter of how much time passed before they rebelled. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. Is it that they are referred to as sons of God? holy ones? Thats not exactly a clear cut and dry case, beyond dispute, based on those sparse details. Daniel, I would take them apart and look inside to see how they worked. 2. Thanks again. Hi Janice, We also should not assume that God was at their beck and call so that He would come around for a stroll whenever they wanted Him there. can you show me when i can get the ideas? And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. And I completely agree that where Adam failed, Christ prevailed. Yes this is almost like apples and oranges because our parents are here in physical form but just trying to make a point and the Bible clearly says no one knows what God looks like except His Son . However, were here to serve everyone without cost, so please dont feel obligated to give unless the Lord leads. I have been following the comments on this article for several years, and I want to say how much I appreciate your kind and faithful answers. when they heard God walking in the garden, they hid from God. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. The only time we see Eve converse with God in Scripture is after she ate the fruit and hid with Adam among the trees of the garden. Who was his wife? 14Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.. I agree with your conclusion that we should not assume that God was at Adam and Eves beck and call, coming around for a stroll whenever they wanted Him there, or that God spent considerable time fellowshipping with them in physical form as friends do. Ive heard this, believed this, and repeated this on more than one occasion. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much You love us.' . Its not like Genesis 5:24 (Enoch walked with God) or Genesis 6:9 (Noah walked with God). That is exactly how his walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden is depicted. Read lev 25:20 and if you shall say what shall we eat in the 7th year? So there is no need to appeal to some sort of walk in the garden for them to know Gods voice. Ed, No human can view the full reality of God and . When God said, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat Adam knew what a tree was, what the garden was, and what eating was. Im not sure what this has to do with whether they walked with God in the garden. He was given the title of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" because he knew good and evil. Like a child jumping in his fathers arm as he comes home from work. To say that life was good in the Garden of Eden would be an understatement. Here are 6 things that you need to know, insights that will help you in your life today, in helping to refine the way you view God. It also seems to assume that they were in the garden for quite a while when they almost certainly were not there for long at all. One good example is Leviticus 26:12 AND I WILL WALK AMONG YOU AND BE YOUR GOD. We speak of ourwalk with God, yet dont speak of Him being right there physically. They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 8 Then GOD planted a garden in Eden, in the east. They had all they could ever want. Our hearts were reformed for this exact purpose. But I am very clear in the post that I have no problem with the notion that they might have walked with Him. Noah walked with God Genesis 6:9. #2 They both "saw" their nakedness. If you want to believe they did, thats totally fine with me. So if the strong wind idea is actually being conveyed by the Hebrew, then there is no textual basis for claiming that Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden in the cool of the day. Time more explicit, at the time more explicit, at the more... Makes no room for inference or implication can be also be breath, spirit or... 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