This code can find all information about your furnace on Goodmans website. You will need to have your model and serial numbers Brands not offering online warranty lookup: Heil day and night Keeprite comfortmaker arcoaire airquest tempstar sanyo toshiba bard frigidaire aire-flo rinnai spacepak lochinvar Climatemaster Burnham wolf viking Description: Ten (10) character Serial number begins with one (1) letter digit followed by nine (9) numerical digits. Contact installing dealer for labor charge details. Categories. I don't know how old exactly but it was old when we moved into this house in 2006. To access the Warranty section of the website, go to the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the page. Learn about our innovative products and how they can help improve your comfort. How can you tell the age of a compressor? Learn how to choose and maintain your HVAC system. The serial number is formatted by 4 numbers, a letter, then 5 numbers. You may wish to review the privacy policy of the external site as its information collection practices may differ from ours. My air conditioner won't turn on. The No Hassle Replacement limited warranty is matched to four mainline product groups: NOTE: Entry-level products do not come with a No Hassle Replacement limited warranty. * Other key components, such as heat exchangers, may carry a longer limited warranty. The age is represented by a letter followed by a nine-digit number. The first five digits of the Serial Number should be written down. Split system units must be matched with a Comfortmaker indoor coil or fan coil. Goodman furnaces have a serial number that can help you find the model, date of purchase, and lot number. How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Comfortmaker HVAC Systems. The date of production/manufacture or age of ComfortMaker HVAC equipment can be determined from the serial number located on the data plate. The No Hassle Replacement limited warranty assures you of continued comfort. These trademark holders are not affiliated with Technical Hot and Cold or this Please contact GreenSky for full terms and conditions of their Consumer Financing Program at (866) 936-0602 or. How can I tell the age of a Comfortmaker air conditioner or furnace from the serial number? Ask your dealer for details. Sign in Register Search By Model Number. : NAC042AKA5, SN: E031136011 was Manufactured in 2003, Week 11. When a Comfortmaker system by International Comfort is serialised, the first two digits after a single letter represent the year the system was manufactured by the company. The next two digits represent week. The manufacturers date, which should be shown as a month and year, should be located at the top of the nameplate. Keeping your Search By Model Number. Location. Read the latest on how Daikin technology helps the company to offer innovative concepts in energy-efficient indoor comfort solutions. Locate Comfortmaker model number. Where is the air filter for my central air conditioner and furnace? This site is run by Technical Hot and Cold and is a resource for finding service parts for ICP, Tempstar, Heil, Day & Night, Arcoaire, Units produced since the early 1990s have a serial number that is a single letter followed by a series of numbers. Place your order now and we'll get it to you ASAP. Any product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks or images featured or referred to within this website are the property of Though the lifespan of a home air conditioner varies based on many factors, those that are well-maintained should last 10 to 15 years. Manage Registration. The SEER rating of an air conditioner is the ratio of the cooling output of the air conditioner over a normal cooling season divided by the amount of energy it used in Watt-Hours. To learn more about heating and air conditioning systems, see these other blog posts: My air conditioner won't turn on. And by completing regular checkups and repairs both big and small many systems can last even longer. WebThis site is maintained by Technical Hot and Cold. The most common way to to determine the carrier ac age is through the serial number. What's wrong? All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Comfortmaker premium products include our No Hassle Replacement limited warranty, and all of our products are covered with a 10-year parts limited warranty upon registration. So leave your worries out in the cold and find your home comfort solution that's backed by protection to ensure years of reliable performance. 4330 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814, Contact Us: 800-638-2772 (TTY 800-638-8270) Lennox is one of the leading manufacturers of furnaces. download the manual for model icp n2a330aka200 central air conditioner. The first pair of numbers is the year, and the second pair of numbers is the week. Contact installing dealer for labor charge details. Please refer to the latest Warranty Certificate.If you do not have your Warranty Certificate, please contact your installing dealer.. Consumers who own recalled furnaces should call their dealers to arrange installation of a free recall upgrade kit. 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An aircraft carrier unit may include a few extraneous features, but that is basically all there is to it. Looking for additional information about your warranty record? Age: The first two digits of the serial number represent the week, and the third and fourth digits show the year, and the last two digits indicate the month. Our customer service representatives are here to help. Coverage for the equipment is included at time of purchase. Potential installing dealer charges may include: labor, warranty processing fees, service call charges, etc. So the serial number shown below indicates a 2007 manufacture date. Any product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks or images featured or referred to within this website are the property of their respective trademark holders. Through an industry-leading family of brands, including Automated Logic, Bryant, Carrier, CIAT, Day & Night, Heil, NORESCO and Riello, we offer an innovative and complete product portfolio, including air conditioners, heating systems, controls and aftermarket components, as well as aftermarket repair and maintenance. Both Carrier and Comfortmaker offer efficient HVAC units. Are you wondering if your current system is still under warranty. Look at the model number on the compressor (which can be found on the data plate printed on the actual side of the compressor), and it should be a number that is divisible by 12. Please have your serial numbers and installing dealer information available. PARTS HOTLINE(TOLL FREE) US: 866-215-3831 CANADA: 913-825-6891. They have a high seasonal energy-efficiency ratio (SEER), which ensures little or no electrical energy is wasted during their operation. Pay close attention to the Warranty Conditions and the Limitations of Warranties sections detailed on the certificate. To calculate the tonnage of your air conditioning unit, divide the figure by 12 (which equals 12,000 Btu/hr, or one tonne of cooling capability). You will need to have your model and serial numbers. User Guide and FAQs. Toll-Free Consumer Hotline | Time: 8 a.m. - 5.30. p.m. Search. Looking for more information about the warranty process? All of our products are designed for quality, energy efficiency and reliability to deliver the total home comfort you can expect from Comfortmaker Heating & Cooling Products. The serial number stamped or printed on the compressor nameplate consists of eight or nine characters. WebLook at the first four digits of the serial number once you find it. Every attempt has been made to confirm its accuracy. Daikin has a lot to offer. Search By: AHRI Reference #. WebICP/Tempstar/Heil ZAXB040HPB1 Parts. Find Out Why Daikin Stands Behind Its Products. In a hurry? Jurisdictions wherein warranty benefits cannot be conditioned on registration will automatically receive a 10-year parts limited warranty. We will get it done for you. 1155, Col. San Juan de Guadalupe C.P. Air Conditioning Parts All Air Conditioning Parts How can I tell whether the condenser (outdoor unit) is an air conditioner or heat pump? Click Ok if you wish to continue to the website; otherwise, click Cancel to return to our site. To determine other key specs of your HVAC system, see one of these other blog posts: How can I find out the SEER of my air conditioner? Inspections, Installations, Repairs & Maintenance, Vancouvers Best Heating & AC Service Solution. Lennox air conditioner serial numbers are composed of 10 characters that follow a specific pattern. Why has the thermostat screen gone blank? Mantenimiento, Restauracin y Remodelacinde Inmuebles Residenciales y Comerciales. is an official website of the United States government. Why does it take so long to cool a house when an air conditioner has been off for a while? 026-32647-005, 026-32647-006 and 026-32647-015, Report a dangerous product or a product-related injury on. So the serial number WebA Ruud air conditioner model number of UAMB-024JAZ indicates this unit is a 2 ton capacity. Comfortmaker advertises its AC units to be durable, but Carrier doesnt. Warranty Lookup. We stock thousands of parts and have technicians who can help you find the correct part for your furnace, air conditioner or rooftop unit. The first two numbers are the year of manufacture. WASHINGTON, D.C. - In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), The Ducane Company of Columbia, S.C., is announced a voluntary recall program to repair approximately 2,100 oil furnaces. How to Find The Best Comfortmaker Furnace Model That Suits Your Needs Comfort makers are compact furnaces that are designed to heat small spaces rather than Quick Answer: How Do I Read My Comfortmaker Serial Number. It will be on a sticker, which will usually be found on the inside of the door frame. If you have any questions, or are unsure of what part you need, you can reach out to us at 734-326-3900. Why is my air conditioner not cooling enough? This site is run by Technical Hot and Cold and is a resource for finding service parts for ICP, Tempstar, Heil, Day & Night, Arcoaire, Comfortmaker and KeepRite HVAC units. The first two digits are the week of manufacturer. All of our parts are brand new, genuine parts directly from the factory. The same compressors are used. Where a product is installed in a newly constructed home, the date of installation is the date the original homeowner purchased the home from the builder. Enter the serial number of the piece of equipment youd like to get more information on. In the serial number, the first letter is the place of manufacturer. It consists of at least 3 or 4 digits at the beginning of the serial number. Toggle menu. CPSC's work to ensure the safety of consumer products has contributed to a decline in the rate of injuries associated with consumer products over the past 50 years. The first two digits can be the week of the year that the unit was manufactured, with the third and fourth number indicating the year. and How do I determine the age of my water heater? We are in Florida and provide plenty of information about hurricanes and sinkholes, for example, but nothing on basements and ice dams. What is the best way to determine the age of a Lennox heat pump or air conditioner based on the model number? For the age of another brand or manufacturer, go to our blog post How do I determine the age of my air conditioner? * Homeowner last name must be entered and verified to display complete limited warranty coverage. Search. Please enter your serial number to check your warranty coverage. HGTV, HGTV Smart Home and their associated logos are trademarks of Scripps Networks, LLC. The first two numbers after a single letter in the serial number are the year of manufacture of a Comfortmaker system by International Comfort. * Model. ICP will operate as a separate subsidiary of Carrier, and will maintain operations in Franklin, Tenn. ICPs unitary product lines include Arcoaire, Airquest, Comfortmaker, Heil, and Tempstar. The first two numbers after a single letter in the serial number are the year of manufacture of a Comfortmaker system by International Comfort. The first two numbers might represent the week of the year in which the unit was made, with the third and fourth digits representing the year in which the unit was manufactured. Financing for GreenSky credit programs is provided by a network of federally insured, federal and state chartered banks. Here is an easy way to determine the "SIZE" of the "Comfortmaker 10 HVAC" Systems: Model No. Detecto una fuga de gas en su hogar o negocio. We strongly recommend that you refer to the Warranty Certificate that was provided with your equipment for complete details. ICP is a United Technologies subsidiary (and part of its Carrier operating unit). WebOpen the refrigerator door and search for the serial number on the inside. If we look at the Bureau of Labor. On most units, the nameplate is fixed to the backside of the cabinet. PARTS HOTLINE(TOLL FREE) US: 866-215-3831 CANADA: 913-825-6891. 2) Under the opened lid on the ledge, stamped on a little plaque, to the right or to the left. Year of manufacture The first numerical digit of the serial number. See the Daikin difference today. On the website, you may look up warranty information. If it isnt present, check the freezers inside for it. There may be a date stamp to the right of the serial number. 2023 Daikin North America LLC. We are not affiliated with, and do not receive any compensation from, any of the companies or products mentioned in this blog. 4. In this example (UAMB -0 24 JAZ), 24 is the first number divisible by 6. The first two numbers after a single letter in the serial number are the year of manufacture of a Comfortmaker system by International Comfort. I have an old Comfortmaker central air conditioning unit. When a Comfortmaker system by International Comfort is serialised, the first two digits after a single letter represent the year the system was manufactured by the company. These trademark holders do not sponsor or endorse or any of its products or comments. Get Notified About Each Recall via Email. The first pair of numbers is the year, and the second pair of numbers is the. How can I find out the SEER of my air conditioner? Starting in 2010, the first two digits represent year, and the next two digits represent week. To look up your warranty, click on the Lookup Warranty icon. McGarry and Madsen, And to figure out what all the other numbers listed on the condenser data plate mean, go to our blog post, To find the age of other home components, go to. Anyway, the unit has Will closing doors reduce my heating and cooling costs? WebICP No Hassle Replacement Warranty. On the majority of models, the nameplate is permanently attached to the rear of the cabinet. It is one of the most trusted brands in the market, and people who are looking for mid-range air conditioners can definitely go with them. For more information, consumers can call Excell Comfort Systems (which bought the furnace portion of the Ducane Company) at (803) 284-3322. Comfortmaker produces products that are designed to keep your home happy, healthy and always at the right temperature. Parts Town has real OEM Comfortmaker parts and accessories to keep your furnace, air conditioner and HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently. Go to the Outdoor Unit Nameplate and locate the Model No. WebCheck your warranty click on the logo below for your brand to check your warranty. For Example, Model No. Why is my air conditioner not cooling enough? Comfortmaker premium products include our No Hassle Replacement limited warranty, and all of our products are covered with a 10-year parts limited warranty upon registration. The Heil brand is produced by International Comfort Products. 2010 was the year when this unit was built. They come at affordable prices and with a wide range of features to choose from. Air Conditioning and Cooling Systems - Where can I find serial number or model number for old Comfortmaker air cond.? McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of, site-built, mobile/manfuactured and modular homes. Set Your Location Parts (402) Add to My Parts Snyder General 060602201 COIL COAX COND CU 042 Mfr Part #: 060602201 PT #: SNY060602201 Quantity Available: 0 Out of stock, but not out of mind! Parent Company: International Combort Products (ICP)., part of UTC. Installation labor charges may apply. Over 8,500 inspections completed in 20+ years. Air Conditioning Parts All Air Conditioning Parts. Make a note of the whole serial number. So the serial number shown below indicates a 2007 manufacture date. Youll notice a metal plaque connected to it that contains the technical specifications for the system. * Install Type. So leave your worries out in the cold and find your home comfort solution that's backed by protection to ensure years of reliable performance. Model Identification Numbers Model number is imprinted on the unit nameplate or rating plate to distinguish it from other units of the same model number. To find the age of other home components, go to How can I find out the age of a roof? Before replacing any unit, written authorization is required from the local Comfortmaker distributor technical service contact to validate that the unit was installed properly and that the component did not fail as a result of abuse. Comfortmaker 10 means simply it is a 10 SEER system. In addition to shipping you the right part fast, Repair Clinic maintains a vast DIY content library; thousands of instructional videos, articles, and model-specific schematics to help guide you through the entire repair process. Residential apartments are available in sizes ranging from 18 to 60 square feet. Pull off the removable door on the outside of your furnace; this is usually along the bottom of the front of the unit. With Parts In Town, you can get real parts faster in fact, today.Are you In? The first two numbers indicate the year of manufacture and the third character, always a letter, designates the month of manufacture. Once youve located the serial number, pay attention to the first four digits of the number. Lennox package units are available in a variety of tonnages ranging from 2 to 5 tonnes in capacity. Can't find what you're looking for? : OUTPUT Size (Nominal Tons of A/C): NAC015 1.5 Ton Unit. The Ducane Company initiated the recall after it found a crack in one of its furnaces. Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC. Alternatively, the plate may be seen on the exterior of certain other Lennox products. How do I find out what year my AC unit is? WebComfortmaker HVAC equipment manufacturing date is usually encoded in the serial number YYWW 567890 or in the serial number format X YYWW 56790 (ignore the first alphabetic ET. In the command prompt window, type wmic bios get serialnumber , and then press Enter. Remove the top-front service panel from your furnace and look to the left side of the inner cabinet or to the top of the blower deck, depending on whether your system is an 80 percent or 90 percent AFUE type. Formatted by 4 numbers, a letter, then 5 numbers federal and chartered... Take so long to cool a house when an air conditioner have an old Comfortmaker central air conditioner model serial. Warranty certificate that was provided with your equipment for complete details AC age is represented by nine-digit... Company initiated the recall after it found a crack in one of its carrier operating unit ). part! Water heater the front of the cabinet the `` SIZE '' of the number. 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