Currently Stengel Field is used by Glendale Community College, Crescenta Valley High School, and several youth teams. After visiting The Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center, Toni realized where her Uncle Casey was going with his collection of memorabilia. And as I say, America first. It's not been begrudging so far. When we played the other teams, Lopat continued, "we never underestimated them or ourselves. Health care dominated part of last debate between the two. Cruz said O'Rourke is proposing socialized medicine and would bankrupt Medicare. Connell, thank you.We're getting our first look tonight at some of the just announcedperspective members of the incoming Biden administration and talk of therapid retreat from policies of the current administration is alreadybeginning. No, Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer is not gay. Uniform number 37 retired by both the Yankees and Mets. You heard earlier in your report,you announced that the fact that there's going to be so many mail-inballots in Georgia. There's no reasonfor us to close this thing off immediately.BAIER: Agreed.BENNETT: And again -- OK. He was on the cover of Time Magazine twice. I'll beglad to help you with that. Religioncorrespondent Lauren Green shows us tonight. After his Major League playing days were done, Stengel began to ply his trade as a player/manager in the minors. Here are the disturbing things I learned about the FBI, Sen. Joe Manchin calls 'open press system' in US a 'problem' during Davos panel, Former CNN host Brian Stelter slammed for hosting Davos panel on disinformation: 'Reason why he's unemployed', In memory of World War II veteran Lester Tanner: 'We are all Jewish', California college professor says 'completely fabricated' claims of racism may cost him his job, Greta Thunberg laughs in video with German police before coal mine detention photo-op: 'Staged for cameras', Mexican prosecutor: Shanquella Robinson murder investigation continues, potential accomplices being determined, South Africa escaped tiger found and euthanized, Iran execution of British national shatters relations, UK reconsiders nuclear deal support: report, Moderna says its RNA vaccine was nearly 84% effective in preventing symptoms in adults 60 and older, Doctors in China discouraged from citing COVID as a reason for patients dying amid outbreak, Indonesia court hears lawsuit filed against pharmacies after 200 children die from tainted cough syrup, Biden FDA warns judge against reversing abortion drug's approval, Care about your heart? Fox News was recently at a port of entry. As per some of the reliable sources he is supposed to make around$452,000 per annum as a salary. Police officers in Brooklyntook a break from fighting crime to hand out free turkeys ahead ofThanksgiving. Whatdo you say to the critics who say that Iran is closer to a nuclear weaponnow as you get ready for this transition with another team that may look atthe situation completely different than you?POMPEO: Well, they're just wrong factually about that. "That's Jim Mattis. I was too old when I began, the crazy as a fox Stengel said, I began playing in 1910 in some league that didnt even last out the season. Toni Mollett Harsh, Casey Stengels grand-niece, established The Casey Stengel Baseball Center as a nonprofit in 2007 to serve as a sports based educator in team building, health, and journalism. And we shall see. We were told by the newspapermen that the Giants would run us off the field, that they were hot and they had won all those games down the stretch. Don Larsen, Bob Turley, Bobby Richardson, Elston Howard and Tom Sturdivant in 1955. He never said too much of anything to anyone. Why hasn't one judge donethat yet?BENNETT: Right, no judge has done it yet, and a judge has to do it yet.That's for sure. President Trump made a brief appearance to talk aboutthat in the White House Press Briefing Room, details on all of thatshortly.And I will speak with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a few minutes aboutthe transition and foreign policy.Also breaking tonight, The U.S. is now averaging more than 1,500 deaths perday from the coronavirus. I can't grasparound it for what all the horrors that I'm seeing and why people can'tbelieve this is real.INGLE: According to data released this week by Johns Hopkins University,the United States has the highest case tally in the world at 12.4 millionand the highest death toll at nearly 260,000. He ordered a draft beer and knocked it down in one gulp. Due to the popularity of the poem "Casey At The Bat", opposing fans would often ride him with the line "Casey struck out". Funny without trying to be funny. (INAUDIBLE)Good evening. He's good.. We'll be right back. We are callingfor lawsuits. Stegall stands at an average height of 6 feet 1 inch and weighs 60 kg equivalent to 132 lbs. Averaging over 170,000 new cases a day. Stegall is one of those reporters and television journalists who are also known for their pleasing appearance and unique presentation style. Now it was a Casey Stengel Yankee culture. The tips Stengel gave at the Essex House were over the top because, as Casey said:I got so much money I dont know what to do with it., Off season, the big house in Glendale, California was the site of happening times for Ednas nieces and nephews andsince Casey and Edna had no children of their ownfor Yankee players and their wives and children. Photos and Magazine Covers are provided from the private collection of Toni Mollett Harsh, previously part of the Estate of Casey Stengel. With Trump you felt that the outsider status was anadvantage. It was typical of everyone helping the team, the atmosphere that Casey Stengel put in place.. Yankee owners Dan Topping and Del Webb, who had wanted to get rid of Stengel for several years, used the loss to the Pirates as an excuse. Stengel pitted them against each other for playing time. Several councilmembers had agreed to that, then renegedon that promise.And this is a live look at Salt Lake City from FOX 13, our affiliate there.One of the big stories there tonight, the discovery of a mysteriousmonolith in southeastern Utah. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: We're already working out my abilityto get presidential daily briefs. Under Stengel, the Yankees won the American League pennant every year from 1949 through 1960 except for two years: 1954 and 1959.Despite winning ten pennants and seven World Series victories in twelve years as Yankees skipper, the team forced him out of the cat bird seat after the 1960 season, when the Yanks lost the World Series in seven games. Purdue has alsoagreed to a settlement with more than $8 billion in penalties andforfeitures. Have a happy Thanksgiving, Bret.BAIER: You too.There's a second part to this interview with Secretary of State Pompeo, itwill air Thanksgiving night. The freedoms that wehave secured for the American people in these four years are something Ihope will continue.BAIER: Mr. Secretary, we appreciate your time.POMPEO: Thank you, sir.BAIER: There's a lot of people with questions when it comes to foreignpolicy, and you're the guy who has the answers. And so he has a path to a second term, but it's in 2024. And so this has to bedone carefully.Look, I don't want to be a dead ender here, one of those Japanese soldiersin the cave, but I think this election was stolen. And that's the Obama that failed to deliverArab-Israeli peace deals that the Trump administration did. Stegall started his career in journalism as a reporter for the WTVW-TV; FOX 7 in Evansville, Indiana. After Casey Stegall's first job as a reporter was at WTVW-TV; FOX 7, he worked for the Jerusalem Bureau of FOX News. Stengel is tied for most World Series wins as a manager. The rambling, shifting, stream-of-consciousness syntax of Casey Stengel has filled thousands of newspaper and magazine pages with anecdotes ranging from amusing and wise to droll and banal, and sometimes vulgar. More than a million references to No. 37 exist on Google and Yahoo. He was on the cover of Time Magazine twice. We'll talk about Afghanistan, his mostmemorable moment in the job, and what his future may hold.Up next, if you watch a lot of cable news, the Biden administration maylook very familiar. And my family and friends needthis too.UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think we can't -- we can't just stop living. Make 'em pay you high. It's staying up all night looking for them that does you in. Mailing Address: My first year broadcasting the Yankees was his first year as manager. In his commendable career, Casey Stegall has been presented with numerous awards including the regional Emmy Award for the display of courage during live newsreporting. That rookie season for Stengel saw the Yankees devastated by injuries. Stengel stoked the fierce competition for jobs. Shouldn't goaway from that, America first. Everyone has to start somewhere, and for Casey Stengel, that place was in Brooklyn. We're doing a lot. Left-handed hitting Gene Woodling and right-handed hitting Hank Bauer shared outfield duties. Relying on players like Cliff Mapes, Dick Kryhoski, and Fenton Mole and other non-prime time performers, juggling, mixing and matching, patching game by game, Casey managed to manage it all. I'll never make the mistake of being 70 again. Previously, he reported live on Hurricane Ida from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Healthcare has become a big issue in the big race everyone's talking about in Texas the U.S. Senate race between incumbent Republican Senator Ted Cruz and his Democratic challenger, Beto O'Rourke. He won an Edward R. Murrow Award for news NYPD officers placing the turkeys in bags before passing themout to residents.In Las Vegas, police piled cardboard boxes carrying more than 2,600 turkeysinto vans and pickup trucks to be distributed to families, shelters, andchurches in need of help.And in Orlando, the Orange County sheriff's office doled out someThanksgiving chair, handing out 400 free Thanksgiving dinners to those inneed this holiday season.We'll see more of that over the coming days, and that's a good thing.Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. It would be part of the franchise in 1949 and through Caseys tenure as manager. The Yankees represent an investment of millions of dollars. He looked at me like I was crazy and asked me if I played. I know some of thesefolks that they took a very different view, they lived in a bit of afantasy world, they left from behind, they appeased. All rights reserved. We are going to go hang out with herfamily. Others point totoday's report a drop in consumer confidence as a sign of trouble on thehorizon.But for now, it's a focus on the positive, we have the Dow closing above30,000 for the first time ever, Bret.BAIER: Good stuff. (Hed played in or managed over 5,000 games). He is an American by nationality and belongs to white ethnicity. Reno, Nevada 89510, Toni Mollett Harsh He knew what every hitter or pinch hitter could do against certain pitchers. Later, in a sarcastic and stinging voice, he told dozens of reporters: I commenced winning pennants when I got here. Bret?BAIER: Casey, thank you.In tonight's "Focus on Faith," the pushback from organized religion againstcoronavirus restrictions. All rights reserved. Sometimes, the connections are less visible, as withJon Meacham, the former Newsweek editor and presidential biographer was anNBC and MSNBC contributor who praised Biden's victory speech.JON MEACHAM, CONTRIBUTOR, MSNBC: This is a moment where the life of thenation is intersecting in a fascinating way with the personal life, notonly of President-elect Biden but also the vice president-elect.KURTZ: But the networks dropped him from the payroll after the New YorkTimes revealed, Meacham had privately helped Biden with that and otherspeeches.At least two dozen journalists joined the Obama team, including Times' J.Carney and ABC's Linda Douglass. We'll bring youthere.First, here's what some of our FOX affiliates around the country arecovering tonight. Being an Indiana native, Stegall attended Ball State University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in telecommunications. It's going to be really fun.I'm not letting this hamper my lifestyle and life. And it has to do a lot with theseabsentee ballots. Between the many hirings (as most know he surfaced again as pilot of the hapless Mets) and the firings, there is the amazing, amusing, arresting story of Charles Dillon Stengel, a man never at a loss for words. 37 exist on Google and Yahoo. Thank you.BAIER: You've just returned from a trip to many places overseas. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, I picked aprofessional.DOOCY: America has long been a melting pot and now on the world stage, thenominee for U.N. In addition, his image, name, and voice is a protectable property right owned by his Estate. There you take alook at the year to date, starting there above 29,000 January 15th, andthen closing again after that dip for the coronavirus. (END VIDEO TAPE)STEGALL (on camera): And live here at DFW International Airport tonight,the nation's fourth busiest when it comes to overall passenger traffic,officials are predicting that the Thanksgiving volume will be down about 35percent here than it was in 2019. Market data provided by Factset. He presided over a crowded press conference and lavish luncheon at the posh 21 Club in Manhattan. But one of them isgoing to be a filing in Georgia. Casey Stegall is an American journalist who is currently working as a correspondent for Fox News Channel. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Bret?BAIER: Howie, thanks.Up next, government pleas for you and your neighbors to stay home thisThanksgiving are not stopping. He became a national figure, a mixture of Santa Claus and Jimmy Durante and Groucho Marx, duck-walking his way on the baseball stage of his era. Has a baseball field named after him at Verdugo Park in Glendale, California. Dr. Corinne Stern is a coroner in Laredo, Texas, who spoke to Fox News about America's fentanyl crisis and how she's seeing many more drug overdoses related to fentanyl. Congressman Kinzinger is also Lt. Col. Kinzinger with the Wisconsin Air National Guard. Senior Correspondent Laura Ingle starts usoff tonight from Malverne, New York. Casey Stengel: Directed by Nick Havinga. Adding, if youmust travel, travelers arriving at LAX or Van Nuys airports will have tofill out a quarantine questionnaire and then they will have to possiblyquarantine for about 14 days. Legal Statement. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Theproblem, Bill, as Marc mentions, is that does that create a wrench in thesystem ahead of the January 5th runoff trying to hold control of the U.S.Senate?BILL BENNETT, FORMER EDUCATION SECRETARY: Well, we'll see. There was the Casey Stengel of the Yankee pride.. The president took credit for the soaring stockmarket and the encouraging news about coronavirus vaccines.TRUMP: Nothing like that has ever happened medically. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Ill never make the mistake of being seventy years old again.. Appeasing terrorists, appeasingthose who have hegemonic desires, appeasing those who are underwritingmilitias all throughout the region. We knew they were young fellows without that much experience and we could beat them. He played 14 years in the major leagues, but it is his managerial career that put him in the Hall of Fame.After managing the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves during several of the two franchises' most hapless years, Casey was picked to helm the New York Yankees in 1949, after a successful stint as manager of the Pacific Coast League's Oakland Oaks. Your thoughts.POMPEO: I have a lot of respect for Jim, but he's just dead wrong on that.America First has been at its heart, a recognition that when America issecure at home, when America does good things for our own economy, for ourown prosperity, that America will be a force for good all around theregion, and that indeed we can't deliver security -- increased securityaround the world when America is not secure.I take great umbrage of the fact it's been America alone. We built our real coalitions. However, he was ready for the next opportunity, which came with the New York Yankees. For most big league teams, the rhythm of the rotation was sacred. Fox News media analyst and host of Fox's"MEDIA BUZZ", Howard Kurtz, has that story tonight. His career kicked off as a reporter in his hometown, where he worked for WTVW-TV and FOX 7. Stegall receives an estimated annual salary of between $20, 000 to $100, 000. Stegall has kept his personal life away from the public. The latest in the sports world, emailed daily. We -- thanks for coming.POMPEO: Bret, thank you very much. Phone: (775) 846-6900 He'd leave us alone when we were winning. Adding thathe's told his team to do the same.The president later said he will never concede, but multiple stafferswithin the West Wing took that initial tweet as an acknowledgement of sortsthat their time in a Trump administration is winding down.White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was one of the people encouragingthe president to allow the transition to begin. Those countries are more safe, more security, they'll bemore prosperous. Its an inherently stressful job. Senior Correspondent Casey Stegall joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in 2007 and currently serves as a senior correspondent based in the Dallas bureau. [on Elston Howard becoming the Yankees' first black player in 1955]: All that black talent out there and I get the only n***er that can't f***ing run. Apart from that he also covered the Israel and Syria conflict. Based in FOXs Dallas bureau, Casey is responsible for covering the southwest portion of the United States. About 10,000 air traffic controllers continue to work in airports across the country without pay. There was the Casey Stengel of the public relations image. (answering to why the Yankees let him go after losing the 1960 World Series), "This is a team that has come along slowly fast. And I think peopleare acknowledging that and it's having a big effect.FISHER: But he took zero questions from reporters and not once did hemention the outcome of the election. Marc, whatabout where we are now as we are still seeing these legal challenges by thepresident, although they seem to be diminishing, at least now, in a numberof these states as they officially certify. Official Sites. (END VIDEO CLIP)(COMMERCIAL BREAK)BAIER: As we told with the top of the program, millions of Americans areignoring the government's pleas to skip holiday travels this week becauseof the coronavirus. Reporters saw when the first small group of about a dozen people from the caravan were allowed to present themselves at the U.S. border, about a week after they had arrived. According to NNDb, his sexuality is "a matter of And while the CDC is standing firm on its recommendations fortraveling this week, there is word tonight that public health officialswith the CDC are said to be considering ways to shorten the quarantineperiod. The Yankees of Casey Stengel marched to the first of five straight world championships in 1949. I hope Republicans, who maybe didn't get on this forthe general, will get on this in Georgia, else we may face the sameproblem.But otherwise, the president will cooperate with this transition. Wetook away the excuse that the United States was going to appease Iran.And so, we took that away, and in the end, it was a good sovereign decisionby those leaders. The historic landmark, Stengel Field, suffered significant water damage to the stadium, whichwascondemned in 2011 and later demolished in 2015. However, his time did not end well, as on this day in 1936, the Dodgers fired him after three mediocre seasons. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The stadium was built in the 40s and now is replaced by temporary aluminum bleachers with no more locker rooms or offices that were once part of this iconic ball field. Casey and Robinson got into quite a few verbal altercations over the Yankee tardiness in integrating their roster. Mailing Address: (END VIDEO CLIP)BAIER: Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the nominee to be the U.S. ambassador tothe U.N. And how are they going to pay their bills?INGLE: And if you have plans to hit the bars in Pennsylvania the nightbefore Thanksgiving, think again. We'll, we'll, we'llmake -- we'll make this work.BAIER: I want you to listen to the person that the President-elect JoeBiden has selected to be the new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations,obviously nominated to that, speaking about foreign policy andmultilateralism. Some say stocks are getting ahead of themselves. He didnt need notes. We take care of the soul.GREEN: But some religious groups have hurt their cause. I said, 'Jeezus, Casey, why do you drink your beer so fast?' Actually, he was forced out as manager by a mandatory retirement age of 65just for him. You can look it up. During his playing career, he played in the outfield (primarily right field). We had productive discussions. It was found by state wildlife employeescounting sheep from a helicopter.That's tonight's live look outside the beltway, an interesting one, fromSPECIAL REPORT. Loyalty to the organization, pride in being a New York Yankee were part of the package. I know it's been good for the security of peopleright here back at home.BAIER: Well, the report, Mr. Secretary was that the Prime Minister BibiNetanyahu and the head of Mossad flew to Neom Saudi Arabia to meet withMBS, the Crown Prince. His Game One inside-the-park home run was made more dramatic due to one of his shoes falling apart (which slowed him down). Authorities say the driver of the vehicle hed pulled over, jumped out and opened fire on the Corporals SUV, and then fled the scene. Stengel had a rap sheet going back to times with the Dodgers, Pirates, Phillies, Braves and Giants. So, did that happen or not?POMPEO: Well, look, I've seen the reporting, I was with each of those to uswith the Prime Minister in Jerusalem, I was with the head of Mossad inJerusalem as well. Ive watched some successful managers as John McGraw and Uncle Robbie work. However, we will update this section. though, from 1987-1993. He can give me a job in the outfield and he can catch, too. Whetherthey'll come in the next 30 days or 60 days or six months is difficult toknow. The list of workthat we've done is great.What we -- what we said all along, Bret, and this is where I think -- Ithink I take a different path, I couldn't tell exactly from her statement.But multilateralism for the sake of hanging out with your buddies at a coolcocktail party, that's not in the best interest of the United States ofAmerica.We work with nations when we have common interests and we developcoalitions that actually deliver real results and reflect the reality onthe ground. Stengel Field has been a staple in the community of Glendale and the foothills since 1949. President makes two brief appearances Tuesday as Biden transition ramps up; Kristin Fisher reports. Casey is 43 years old as of 2022. Born July 30, 1890, he got a well earned nickname early on King of the Grumblers.. So, some big changes in Los Angeles startingtomorrow, Bret.BAIER: That's quite something. Manager of the National League's Brooklyn Dodgers (1934-1936), Boston Braves (1938-1943), and New York Mets (1962-1965); and of the American League's New York Yankees, 1949-1960. I didnt get the job through friendship. Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, 1966. Casey was fired. Prior to joining FNC, Stegall served as a reporter and a substitute anchor for KDFW-TV (FOX) in Dallas, Texas, where he was responsible for up to 10 live reports per day and coverage of breaking news. But they tell Fox News tonight, they can't announce any of thosechanges as of yet. (APPLAUSE)SERRIE: But some of the president's supporters want Georgia's Republicanleaders to do more to challenge the results. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. He was the first person to wear the uniform of the four New York MLB teams. Prior to that, he was based in Los Angeles where he worked for more than five years. Stegall started his career in journalism as a reporter for the WTVW-TV; FOX 7 in Evansville, Indiana. Jonathan, thanks.Up next, the panel on President Trump's transition decision, and the newmembers of the Biden administration, or prospective one, next. New Casey Stengel book a compelling read It sounds just like my brother's story and my Laura, thank you.As we mentioned, the Dow hit an all-time high today surging 455 points toeclipse and finish above the 30,000 mark for the first time ever. We need their cooperation.DOOCY: Especially, addressing climate change.JOHN KERRY, SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL CLIMATE ENVOY: To end this crisis, thewhole world must come together.DOOCY: Kerry will be the face of the Biden administration's $2 trillionclimate plan.BIDEN: He will be -- there will be a principal on the National SecurityCouncil who can make sure climate change is on the agenda in the SituationRoom.DOOCY: Another seat in the Situation Room goes to National Security AdviserJake Sullivan.BIDEN: He'll lead the early negotiations that led to the Iran nuclear deal.DOOCY: National security will be reimagined by order of the president-electand will now cover terror threats plus --JAKE SULLIVAN, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER-DESIGNATE: The pandemic, theeconomic crisis, the climate crisis, technological disruption, threats todemocracy, racial injustice and inequality.DOOCY: The nominee to run DHS Alejandro Mayorkas is being asked to dothings differently too.BIDEN: It's a job that plays a critical role in fixing our brokenimmigration system.DOOCY: Biden is also breaking with Trump and picking insiders, notoutsiders for jobs like Avril Haines nominated as Director of NationalIntelligence.BIDEN: I didn't pick a politician or a political figure. There had been a Yankee culture before. The Dallas Press Club also recognized him for his breaking news coverage. Yes, Brooklyn did get some modicum of revenge in 1955, but Stengel and the Yankees came right back to defeat them the following year. They told me that my services were no longer desired because they wanted to put in a youth movement as an advance way of keeping the club going. In 1912 broke in as a major league player with The Brooklyn Dodgers,. Mr.Secretary, thanks for coming back to SPECIAL REPORT.MIKE POMPEO, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: Great to be back with you,Bret. Casey Stegall's net worth is $1 million, most likely or even more as he has worked on some life-threatening reporting projects and currently works for Fox News that is known to pay its reporters significantly higher than the average wage. As per some of the reliable sources he is supposed to make around $452,000 per annum as a salary. **A noted oral historian and sports journalist, Harvey Frommer has written many sports books, including Fenway Park: An Oral and Narrative History of the Home of the Boston Red Sox. Retired from the Mets after suffering a fractured hip. Platooning was known to exist as early as the turn of the twentieth century, but Stengel re-popularized it again in the fifties. "There comes a time in every man's life, Casey said, "and I've had plenty of them.". Kristin, thanks.Let's go inside the Wall Street numbers tonight, big numbers. He also minored in German. or redistributed. DiMaggio had a banged up heel and did not play until June 28. Breaking news and video. . (explaining why he was retiring due to a fractured hip), There's a time in every man's life, and I've had a few of 'em. Played for the National League's Brooklyn Dodgers (1912-1917), Pittsburgh Pirates (1918-1919), Philadelphia Phillies (1920-1921), New York Giants (1921-1923), and Boston Braves (1924-1925). While in Dallas, he won a regional Emmy award for his live reporting skills. In addition, he celebrates his birthday on January 8 every year and his zodiac sign is Capricorn. They would have to run us off the field, but not in the newspapers. He had two game-winning homers during the 1923 World Series. Nevertheless, you're not going to win my Georgiawithout the huge support of huge Trump supporters. Legal Statement. Even before the shutdown, staffing levels at air traffic control towers have been at a 30-year low, meaning people are often working eight- to 10-hour shifts, sometimes six days a week. WhenhewasmanagingoldDiMaggioandyoungMantlein1951,hemighthave seemedlikealiontamerorajugglerbutnotanuncle. However, we will update this section soon. In 1958, Ryne Duren, Clete Boyer in 1959 and Roger Maris in 1960. But look, we shall see soon. It was a treat for him to be with us after all the donkey clubs he had. Market data provided byFactset. The field was named after famous Glendale resident, Casey Stengel, who frequented the Casey Stengel's name and signature are trademarks owned and protected by his estate. America's fentanyl crisis increasingly involves coroners, medical examiners and more, Houston constable's killing part of swift rise in violent crime across the Lone Star State's largest city, Austin police shortage at 'crisis' level, 911 callers forced to wait, At Texas Border Patrol facility under fire, agents say they are doing the best they can with 'what we've got', GOP Congressman by day, National Guard pilot at night: Kinzinger says he 'loves' border deployment, Migrants brave the Rio Grande, looking toward Eagle Pass, Texas, Border agents overwhelmed as Texas begins processing migrant caravan, Air traffic controllers say they are caught in middle of shutdown battle: 'Safety is not a partisan issue', Beto ORourke, Ted Cruz make last-minute appeal to Texas voters, Health care key issue in Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke Texas Senate race. Little star shortstop Phil Rizzuto was out a lot. It was the greatest run by any manager in the history of the national pastime. 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Who Inherited Clark Gable's Money,
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