Physical Address:400 W. Summit Hill Drive Knoxville, TN 37902, Mailing Address:505 Summer Place Knoxville, TN 37902. A two-week advance notice is preferred. The determination of whether any particular condition is considered a disability is made on a case by case basis. Delivered each week during the school year, the Hall Pass Newsletter gives you the inside stories of our students, teachers and schools. ----------Everything below for new website-----, Redirect to Apple Store Volume Purchase Plan, Dr. Paul L. Kelley Volunteer Academy (hs), 400 W. Summit Hill Drive Knoxville, TN 37902, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). When Covid hit our community in 2020, like many parents, I realized that the state of affairs in our school system was not as I had thought they to be. please click on the "PL, Travel & Leave" box below. FEB 09 Education Splost 2022 The Candler County Board of Education plans to select the most qualified Construction Management. Click Here for Approved Certification Programs, Click Here for Teach Georgia and Brantley County Positions Currently Open for Applications, Click Here for Information on Adding a Field/Endorsement. All Board meetings are held in the Boardroom of the Summer Place Building located at 500 W. Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37902. The HCPSS 2024 Operating Budget Process schedule, including Board hearings and work sessions, can be found online. Accessibility Contact. Employees, students, and the general public are hereby notified that the Brantley County School System does not discriminate in any educational program or activity or in employment policies. We are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. To be protected under Section 504, a student must be determined to: (1) have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or (2) have a record of such impairment; or (3) be regarded as having such impairment. Individuals seeking additional information about Public Forum or any item on a meeting agenda shall direct inquiries to the office of the Board of Education or the Director of Schools. This website endeavors to comply with best practices and standards defined by Section 508 of the U.S. Bacon County Primary School Students are RED-dy to make a difference! Unlike the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 does not require the school to provide an individualized educational program (IEP) that is designed to meet the child's unique needs and provides the child with educational benefit. For additional information, please visit the Georgia Department of education website at. Location: Bradley County Schools, TN, USA, Location: William R. Walker Board Room located in the Administrative Building of the Bradley County Schools, Welcome to Bradley County Schools. Phone: (912) 462-7092. Board of Education Meeting Time: 5:30 PM 7 PM Location: William R. Walker Board Room located in the Administrative Building of the Bradley County Schools Feb 14 Safer Internet Day Jan 16 Schools Closed - MLK Day Jan 22 School Board Appreciation Week Feb 9 Board Meeting Time: 5:30 PM 7 PM Location: Bradley County Schools, TN, USA Feb 9 Opioid Settlement Funds Strategic Plan, subcommittee (2022): Onslow County was awarded $10.5M in opioid settlement funds. The primary tenets of RTI include: In summary, the RTI model first assumes that instructional needs/deficits are the primary cause of academic or behavioral difficulties. The Onslow County Board of Education is a seven member board serving four-year staggered terms with elections held every two years. How to run for office | If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Board Office. How to vote | PO Box 398, Nahunta, GA 31553 COMMISSIONER POST 2 Harold Herndon PO Box 398, Nahunta, GA 31553 COMMISSIONER POST 3 Randy Davidson PO Box 398, Nahunta, GA 31553 Brantley County does not have districts. All Commissioners serve the entire county. Firm (CM) to enter into a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) contract for the construction of the above. Knox County Schools operates within policies set by a nine-member Board of Education. DEPARTMENTS MEET OUR BRANTLEY COUNTY SCHOOLS FAMILY! 20-2-58) at its December 13, 2022 meeting, the Glynn County Board of Education has set the following meeting dates. Additional committees, boards and community organizations that you are involved in: Professional experience and/or background: As a life-long educator in Onslow County, I am passionate about the future of public education in our community, state and nation. for travel expense forms or help with ESS. Work sessions are held on the first Monday of the preceding week of the regular meeting, beginning at 6:00 pm. Board meetings may be viewed live or on-demand online, and during and after each meeting on Howard County Comcast channel 95 or Verizon channel 42. Help expand Ballotpedia's elections coverage - volunteer with us, The Georgia Brantley County Board of Education Elections Amendment, also known as Amendment 33, was on the ballot in Georgia on November 4,1952, as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment. Upcoming Board of Education Meetings: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023, 4 & 7 p.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting Thursday, Jan. 26, 4 & 7 p.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting Public Hearings & Work Sessions on HCPSS Operating Budget The Board of Education holds work sessions and public hearings to gather feedback on and revise the operating budget. Georgia Brantley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 33 (1952) The Georgia Brantley County Board of Education Elections Amendment, also known as Amendment 33, was on the ballot in Georgia on November 4, 1952, as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment. The Board of Education holds at least one. It is my hope, as a board member, to assist in eliminating distractions that hamper teaching and learning, to help ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability, to promote professionally competitive school environment where the curriculum is specific to subject matter and age appropriate and students are academically successful. I began speaking at school board meetings in June, 2021 and shortly thereafter began researching both curriculum and state mandates. Interested in working with the BC School System family. If you have questions about possible positions not currently listed, please call our board office for more information. I am humbled by their faith and confidence in my experience and wisdom to fulfill the task. Staff Directory | Inclusivity & Accessibility, HCPSS 2024 Operating Budget Process schedule, 2022-2023 Board of Education Approved Meeting Schedule, Current and Archived Approved Meeting Minutes, View current board member school cluster assignments, Thursday, Jan. 26, 4 & 7 p.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting, Thursday, Feb. 9, 4 & 7 p.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting, Thursday, Feb. 26, 4 & 7 p.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting. by Brantley County Georgia Pursuant to O.C.G.A. The Board of Education met for the purpose of conducting a hearing in accordance with the Fair Dismissal Act of Georgia concerning the nonrenewal of the contract of employment of Mr. Keith All official business of the Board is transacted in open session and minutes are recorded. The cumulative effect of Brantley County COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 33 Allen Road, Nahunta, GA 31553 912.462.5256 Monday Friday 8:00 am 4:30 pm Brantley County COMMISSIONERS CHAIRMAN POST Please click below to apply for one of our substitute teacher positions. It is a wonderful and rewarding career for innovative, creative, and inspiring people who are also life-long learners themselves. by Brantley County Georgia. helping our students succeed from Pre-K to graduation and beyond. Onslow County Schools has a rich history of showcasing students in such venues as plays, musicals, athletic events, academic competition and recognition events, and community volunteer efforts. Please select a name below for biographic and contact information. The state of Georgia requires that all education certification programs be approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Please click one of the options below to apply for any secretarial, paraprofessional, custodian, nurse, transportation, maintenance, school nutrition, or other classified position. Bradley County Schools strongly believes that technology is a tremendous source that provides countless opportunities for students and staff in educational settings. The mission of the Bradley County School System is to provide an educational opportunity for every student to excel. Access more information by clicking links below, McIntosh County School Board of Education. Additional committees, boards, and community organizations that you are involved in: Strategic Opioid Advanced Response Organization of Onslow County (SOAR), Onslow County, NC,, Onslow County Families of Addicts (FOA), Site Director,, Education First Alliance, Researcher and Endorsed by Them,, Onslow County Schools, Substance Use Disorder Multidisciplinary Team. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The Chair or Vice Chair shall have the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who is disruptive, degrading and/or insulting or who does not adhere to Public Forum rules. By inspiring excellence, all students will realize their worth and potential. Our Brantley County Schools certified positions are advertised on Teach Georgia. 12-8-32, Brantley County announces the completion of the Facility Issues Negotiation Process in strict accordance with the rules set The agenda for Board of Education meetings is developed by the Board Chair and the Superintendent. There are three schools in our district; Todd-Grant Elementary School serves Pre-K through 5th grade, McIntosh County Middle School serves 6th through 8th grade, and McIntosh County Academy is our high school and serves grades 9th through 12th. Use one of the links below to register your child for school. Brantley County High; Brantley County Middle; Atkinson Elementary The Board of Education has regular monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m with the exception of meeting on the third Tuesday of January and February due to the Monday holidays in those months. The subcommittees objective will be to develop strategic and targeted recommendations for the Onslow County Board of Commissioners to consider when allocating these funds. In ESOL language programs it is appropriate, when practicable, to use the students home language as a means of facilitating instruction and providing limited English-proficient (LEP) parents with school-related information. Board Members; Forms; Staff Directory; Digital Learning; Calendar; Contact Us; Atkinson County BOE Meeting . The measure divided Brantley County into school districts and provided for a new method of electing members to the board of education. Brantley County Schools and at the BOE. *Disclaimer: We attempt to keep this listing up to date, but employment opportunities change frequently. Counties | Brantley County High; Brantley County Middle; Atkinson Elementary; Hoboken Elementary; Nahunta Elementary; Nahunta Primary; Waynesville Primary What do you enjoy about serving the children of Onslow County? FEB 02 5:00 PM . We are always excited to have new interest in the field of education. This website endeavors to comply with best practices and standards as defined by Section 508 of the U. S. Rehabilitation Act. U.S. Congress | Hospital/Homebound (HHB) services are designed to provide continuity of educational services between the classroom and home or hospital for students in Georgia public schools whose medical needs, either physical or psychiatric, do not allow them to attend school for a limited period of time. Select the pictures below for the contact information andbackground of our current Board of Education members. The Brantley County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act of 1990); or disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990) in education programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. What college programs are approved for certification? District Insurance, Investment, and Retirement Links, Assessment Links to Save Time and Assess for Learning. Compliance questions can be submitted to the contacts below: Mrs. Roxie Tumlin - ADA; Mrs. Teri Hendrix - Title IX, Title VI, and Section 504, Brantley County Board of Education, 272 School Circle, Nahunta, GA 31553, 912-462-6176. Public participation sessions on matters of public concernare provided during the regular monthly Board meeting. 5726 Old Waynesville Road, Waynesville Georgia 31566, October_11_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, September_13_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, August_29_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, April_13_2015_Called_BOE_Meeting_Hearing_Minutes, October_6_2014_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, August_15_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, September_22_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, October_24_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, November_3_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, December_5_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, January_9_2017_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, June_2017_Work_Session_and_Budget_Hearing_Minutes, Brantley County Board of Education Policies. Wednesday following the work session of each month at 5 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Brantley County Schools identifies uses a state guided process to identify and assess gifted eligibility. WHERE: Brantley County Board of Education All Brantley Co. School parents and stakeholders are invited to attend an informational meeting regarding the use of Title I funds in [1], Election results via: Georgia's Official Register 1951-52. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? Knox County Schools is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. Regular session Public Forums are open to any topic. Students must be enrolled in a public school in Georgia in order to receive HHB services. I felt a real nudge by God to try to provoke the respecting of parental/caregiver rights as the state cracked down. If you would like additional assistance or have accessibility concerns, please contact our Central Office at (865) 594-1800 or complete our Questions and Feedback Form. Section 504 ensures that the child with a disability has equal access to an education. 98 E. Roberts Ave., Pearson, GA 31642 | P 912-422-7373 | F 912-422-7369. If the student is found to not respond to the increased supports, students may then be referred for a comprehensive evaluation in order to determine if there is a disability present that is impeding the child from performing adequately. Brantley County Government Facebook PLANNING & BUILDING Planning & Building Permits PSA Select Page Brantley County BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Brantley County COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 33 Allen Road, Nahunta, GA 31553 912.462.5256 Monday Friday 8:00 am 4:30 pm Brantley County COMMISSIONERS CHAIRMAN POST 1 Skipper Harris PO Box 398, Nahunta, GA 31553 Glynn County Board of Education By official action (per O.C.G.A. State and local courts | We have developed a 1-to-1 device program to provide each student with the opportunity to use technology in a way that will enrich and support a high-quality learning experience. With higher academic standards, innovative instructional initiatives and intensive accountability, Tennessee has become a national leader in public education reform. As someone that would have most likely been considered a high risk child during my youth that faced obstacles all too common in dysfunctional homes, I was fortunate enough not to have endured negative labels or to have been surrounded by naysayers discouraging me from pursuing goals. Bradley County Schools Online Room Reservation Platform, Bradley County Schools announce Bark for Schools, Bradley County Schools Recognized as aCommon Sense District. I then attended a Freedom Works seminar, began submitting FOIA (Public Records) requests, and working diligently to understand the current school system and its inner workings. Bradley County Schools is partnering with Bark student account monitoring platform. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Volunteer, Troy, OH (2003-2008), Clubhouse Dreambuilders Group Community Action Council, Adult Leader and Site Coordinator, Troy, Ohio (2001-2003), Our school system is relatively small in number with approximately 1350 total students in grades Pre-K through 12th grade. The public entrance may be accessed on the Walnut Street side of the Summer Place Building across from the intersection of Walnut Street and Wall Street. 1100B C.A. Brantley County Schools Regular Board Meeting Minutes Monday, May 9, 2016 7:00 P.M. 272 School Circle Nahunta, GA 31553 Attendees Brenda Johns Board Member Kerry Mathie Board Member David Herrin Board Member raised $6,400 for Home; Schools. August_20_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, August_23_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, February_18_2013_Called_BOE__Meeting_Minutes.pdf, February_25_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, February_2_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, February_7_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, January_17_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, January_28_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, July_30_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, June_21_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, June_28_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, October_11_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, September_13_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, September_2012_Work_Session_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, September_24_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, September_4_2012_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, April_25_2014_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, August_2013_BOE_Regular_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, August_29_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, August_8_2013_BOE_Called_Meeting-Hearing_Minutes.pdf, December_2013_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, July_26_2013_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, June_30_2014_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, March_24_2014_Called_BOE_Minutes_Minutes.pdf, May_1_2014_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, November_2013_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, October_2013_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, September_2013_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, April_13_2015_Called_BOE_Meeting_Hearing_Minutes.pdf, April_1_2015_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, June_25_2015_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, July_30_2014_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, October_6_2014_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, September_2014_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, September_28_2015_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, October_15_2015_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, November_30_2015_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes, April_25_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, May_12_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, May_31_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, August_15_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, September_22_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, October_24_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, November_3_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, December_5_2016_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, January_9_2017_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, April_25_2017_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, May_23_2017_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, June_2017_Work_Session_and_Budget_Hearing_Minutes.pdf, June_28_2017_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, November_2_2017_Called_BOE_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, December_2017_Work_Session_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, January_2018_Work_Session_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, February_2018_Work_Session_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, March_2018_Work_Session_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, April_2018_Work_Session_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, September_06_2018_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, September_10_2018_BOE_Meeting_Mintues.pdf, October_15_2018_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, November_08_2018_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, November_30_2018_BOE_Called_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, December_10_2018_BOE_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf, March 28, 2019 BOE Called Meeting Minutes, April 29, 2019 BOE Called Meeting Minutes, Mr. David Herrin, Parliamentarian; Mrs. Brenda Johns, Chairperson; Mr. Wiley Crews, Member; Dr. Kim Morgan, Superintendent; Mrs. Teresa Lairsey, Member; Mr. Kerry Mathie, Vice-Chairperson, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. Georgia State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.31 Hospital/Homebound (HHB) Services. I continue to remind myself and others that Excellence in the classroom begins with excellence in the board room.. Special education services are provided to students with disabilities who need specialized instruction. In order to maintain this leadership position, accelerate our achievements and ensure that every child in the Volunteer State receives a high quality education, the Knox County Board of Education adopts a legislative agenda. Brantley County Schools now offer parents access to their childs current grades and attendance through PowerSchool Parent Portal. The Board asks that speakers show their respect for the Board, the staff and other citizens by speaking in a manner that is civil and courteous. The public may speak to the board during the regularly monthly meeting on matters of public concern. Hospital Homebound Educator Info and Forms. The WIDA Consortium English Language Development (ELD) Standards aligned with the GSE guide the work of ESOL teachers. I decided after much prayer that I would like to serve Onslow County on the Board of Education to work towards increasing transparency and helping parents/caregivers in our public school system to feel heard. For information about the federal programs that supplement the ESOL Language Program please visit the Title III, Part A webpage.. Note: If your college program is not listed, please call the Georgia PSC at 1-800-869-7775 (note: they are open 8:00-4:30 most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). Such meetings shall be called by the Chair whenever, in his or her judgment, the interests of the schools require it or when request to do so by a majority of the Board. We are continually striving to improve the accessibility standards of our website. Elections in 2023 | We are always looking for dedicated and motivated substitutes to lend their knowledge and help with students. The mission of the Brantley County School District is to graduate and to prepare students with the skills and knowledge needed to make positive contributions in the world every day. for complaint forms and resolution procedures. If you need help with the process, please call 423-476-0620 or email. The Brantley County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Educational State executives | Information Links to all Brantley County School System Departments. Public Forum speakers shall address remarks to the entire Board and not individual members. The Brantley County Board of Commissioners meet at the county office: 33 Allen Road, Nahunta, GA 31553 for a work session at 6pm on the first Tuesday of every month and at 6pm The McIntosh County Board of Education would like to provide each student and staff member with the tools necessary to enable students to maximize their educational growth and achieve academic excellence. Work sessions are held on the first Monday of the preceding week of the regular meeting, beginning at 6:00 pm. RTI or Response to Intervention is an education model that promotes the early identification of students who may have learning or behavioral difficulties. Board members are elected by district to a four-year term. Phone: (912) 462-7092 Fax: (912) 462-6785 Under provisions of the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship, parents of students who receive special education services may choose to transfer their children to other public or private schools in Georgia. Approved meeting minutes for all Howard County Board of Education Meetings include regular Board meetings, closed meetings, committee meetings, BOE/County Council meetings, and the legislative breakfast meeting. The Board welcomes your presence and participation at its meetings. Section 504 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Brantley County Board of Education Board Members Mr. David Herrin, Parliamentarian; Mrs. Brenda Johns, Chairperson; Mr. Wiley Crews, Member; Dr. Kim Morgan, Superintendent; Mrs. Onslow County Board of Education member since December 4, 2018. I love being that adult that is willing to help anywhere and anyway that I can. We want to make sure we have a solid plan to make the most of these funds. Board meeting documents are available to the public for viewing on BoardDocs three days prior to the meeting. Interested persons may sign up to speak by contacting the Board Executive Assistant no later than 4:00 p.m. the day prior to the scheduled meeting at 865-594-1623 or by registering with the Board Vice Chair prior to the start of the meeting. PES Science Night. If you are looking for a program or are currently enrolled in an education certification/degree pathway at a college and are wondering if the program is approved, please click below for more information. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The students inability to attend school for medical or psychiatric reasons must be certified by the licensed physician or licensed psychiatrist who is currently treating the student for the diagnosis presented. Click below for more details. HHB instruction may be used to supplement the classroom program for students with health impairments whose conditions may interfere with regular school attendance (e.g., students receiving dialysis or radiation/chemotherapy or students with other serious health conditions). Members of the Board and the Director of Schools may have the privilege of asking questions of any person who addresses the Board. PLANNING & BUILDING Planning & Building Permits PSA Select Page Brantley County BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Brantley County COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 33 Allen Road, Nahunta, GA 31553 912.462.5256 Monday Friday 8:00 am 4:30 pm Brantley County COMMISSIONERS CHAIRMAN POST 1 Skipper Harris PO Box 398, Nahunta, GA 31553 COMMISSIONER POST 2 Harold Herndon Full Title: BRANTLEY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION; Document Type(s): Memorandum Opinion and Order; Bureau(s): Wireless Telecommunications; Description: Granted requests Individuals may request a sign language interpreter for any meeting of the Board of Education by contacting Colleen Markiewicz, interpreter scheduler, at 410-313-7046. It was approved. I simply love to see happy and productive people, and serving the children of Onslow County is a perfect way to do it. Parents who suspect their child may have a disability should contact the principal or the chairperson of the schools Response to Intervention Team. 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A tremendous source that provides countless opportunities for students and staff in settings... Jan. 12, 2023, 4 & 7 p.m receive HHB services information about the programs. * Disclaimer: we attempt to keep this listing up to date, employment! U. S. Rehabilitation Act have the privilege of asking questions of any person addresses!
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