Wena is Xhosa and Zulu for you.Examples:Haw wena! Eish wena! Hey wena, want a beer?, Yes, yeah. COLONIAL HISTORY: The Dutch and the British fought over South Africa. used to describe an unspecified time in the near future or recent past. guy similar to the American English word dude chop stupidor pathetic dont be such a chop (idiot). It can be followed by a number of other words to emphasize the feeling. Another variant for ekse is Whakind eks. Boerwors, pronounced as boor-uh-vors, refers to a special dish indigenously known as 'farmer's sausage.' A very minute number of black South Africans will get confrontational if a white person uses them. WebSome of these languages that have attributed to the slang words are English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Ndebele, Xhosa, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Tswana and Swazi. Who Is Naked DJs Wife, Girlfriend or Baby Mama? However, it isnt a Yes that you can use to answer a question, its something that youd use to show youre excitement at something. Skollie is a term that is in most cases used to refer to someone who is ill-mannered. aida AIDS. Thank you. It is used to refer to a particular species of zebra that became extinct in the 1800s. gees - After that interesting conversation with your friend at night, you can give it a befitting end with Goeie nag. Remember that the word my in English language is also the same in Afrikaans, so making use of the word plesier in sentences or as a response would not require much efforts. Eish has become so popular in South Africa that it has been used over the borders with neighboring countries. Dave and Rebecca and back together!. The Afrikaans uses it as a curse. Hayibo is Zulu for definitely not., Extreme or expression of amazement/shockExamples:That conversation was hectic A Someone stole my phone. B Hectic bru!, Hello, a greeting short for How is it?Example: Howzit my china?, Good, excellent, as in 100 percent Example: A How are you? B Hundreds, bru, hundreds., Conversation response filler for Is that so? Really? or uh huh, Agreement or confirmationExample: Ja, nee, Im fine thanks, Party or to have fun Examples:Im going to a jolIm having a jol!, Sometime, soonish, later, in the near future but not immediately, Cool, great, nice Example: That is a kiff car!, Tasty, great, awesome, delicious, nice. ", S , " ". Babbelas (bub a Lars): This slang means a bad This language subsequently formed the integral parts of many South African slang words. 9. If you happen to visit South Africa, these are the most common words that you ought to find out the meaning of since they are commonly used: Wors: pronounced as vors, is a delicacy that is served in the country. Slangs arewords that are not considered part of the standard vocabulary of a language and that are used very informally in speech especially by a particular group of people. Get to Know Gloria Darlene Fox: Megan Foxs Mom. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. " , . Who Is Latarian Milton, What Happened to Him and Where is He Now? #20. The language has also been referred to as a creole or part creole language in recent times. Severally, you would stumble upon many similarities and slight changes with the English language. There is also a large number of other, non-official languages. Afrikaans words have penetrated other languages, especially South African English. used to describe a person who is suffering from a hangover. Ive got to pack for my indaba in Johannesburg at the weekend. The word waati most popular in Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town townships, simply means water. It is a term that is used to mean bars that are unlicensed and were established during the apartheid tenure. the name for a pair of sport / athletic shoes, similar to sneakers or trainers. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words. Jol in particular is quite common, usually translated to mean party or more specifically a club. Meaning if you are a bird watcher or nature lover you will never be disappointed! Is a tradition of tribal African women to carry their young hands-free Aikhona! agatha a gossip. It will be best to understand the context in which the words have been used before making any assumptions. 5. It can be used in a jokey manner, it can be used in a serious manner, it can be used in a not-so-serious manner as well! Kiff or Kief: This word is used to mean neat, wonderful, great, cool or wicked in the English. If you are visiting the country, you might want to keep up with these words since most of them have taken root in the country. Beth Thomas Child of Rage Bio: What Did She Do To Her Brother, Where Is She Now? Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Kyrgyzstan. It can be followed by a number of other words to emphasize the feeling. Example (food): Hierdie slaai is baie lekker! What a fun post!!! \bluhk-suhm\) strike, hit, punch; also used as an expression of surprise/emphasis (rude). Many of these terms occur in the Cape Town and Durban areas, and few in Indian areas in Gauteng. Ghana Immigration Service Requirements and How To Apply. Bakki is pronounced as Bah-ki and is used to refer to a special kind of truck. (Afrikaans - asshole-full). Sometimes a strong refusal/disagreement, No! It is a special kind of chips that is thicker and is usually made by soaking the chips in vinegar before they are prepared. Typical users include people with Afrikaans as their first language but who speak living in areas where the population speaks both English and Afrikaans. In South Africa, the phrases "now now", "just now" and "right now" all mean different things; "Now now" often meaning minutes later, "just now" meaning hours later and "right now" meaning now. Boerewors is Afrikaans for farmers sausage., Male friend, dude. stomach = maag (human), pens (animal) foot = voet (human), poot (animal) mouth = Required fields are marked *. The slap part of it comes from the Afrikaans word meaning limp. Often doubled when used sharp sharp!, Expression of disgust, disappointment, or annoyance Examples:Ag, sies, man! That meal was sies, Thick cut fries, usually soft and soaked in vinegar. For example, The food was lekker, or We had a lekker day. South African Children| Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock Kief The term is pronounced as agh! Originally this word was an international English word. A barbecue, the Afrikaans word for grill. Im so glad that you find these useful. "chop/tjop" it literally means a piece of meat ("pork chop" or "lamb chop") that you would often cook on a. This is a term that you should expect to hear if you are into the taxi business. Just replace the f in the spelling of friend with a v and you are good to go. Words from Xhosa, Zulu and the other Nguni Languages, Words from SeSotho and SeTswana Languages, Slang terms originating from ethnic minorities, hdkdjejdjdndjdjdjdnfbfbdbfbbdbfjfjfjfjjfjfjfkfkrktjtjfjtjrjrjrjrjrj, List of colloquial South African place names, List of lexical differences in South African English, Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All of Its moods by Michael Wex p.88, http://www.sowetan.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=777824, http://www.sundayworld.co.za/swzones/sundayworldNEW/shwashwi/shwashwi1214093690.asp. It is commonly used to express resignation, pleasant surprise and exasperation. Some South Africans, especially many of the European ones, add yebo as well as the English word Yes together, making yebo yes. B Babelas bubba-luss: Hangover, often the consequence of a really good braai. Example (annoyance): Ag tog, ek het my foon iewers gelos. Enjoy! Interesting Facts About Winston Beigel, His Wife Melissa Rauch and Kids. " , 06' , . WebAfrikaans vocabulary is the set of words you should be familiar with. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Azerbaijan! Oh, pragtige! or hallo pragtige are some of the few ways one can use the Afrikaans word for beautiful. Also, the word may have come from the kif, an Arabic word that means marijuana or pleasure. Lekker is the Afrikaans equivalent of Germans lecker, deriving from the Dutch word. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Georgia! Johnny Mathis Biography Age, Gay Partner & Net worth. This is also used to scare unwanted animals away. WebWelcome to our Afrikaans list of the most popular words and expressions. It is derived from the modern isiZulu word for hangover known as isibhabhalazi. I just took it to mean literally anything. This image shows Afrikaans slang words. South Africa has a rich culture of slang, and over the years, popular words and phrases across all language groups have become commonly used by locals, and widely misunderstood by wide-eyed tourists. !Im great thanks bra, how are you?. Do you know any useful South African phrases? Example (an experience): Dit was lekker by die see. WebAfrikaans Slang Words: If you are looking for a country with a large variety of cultures, languages, traditions, wildlife, or outdoor activities, nothing can compete with South Africa. Whilst almost unheard of outside of South Africa, Boerewors are a mainstay of any braii in South Africa and an essential part of any South Africans diet. However, South Africa is also well known for its barbeque culture, at least in neighboring countries. If you happen to be in South Africa and hear any of these words being mentioned, do not mistake them for Afrikaans insults. Part of Alexander Moore Partners Ltd. Who Was Rossana Maiorca and What Caused Her Death? Required fields are marked *. Additionally, It contains 20 mandala pages to relieve stress. Regardless of what/which language (s) you speak, your language (s) undoubtedly have All Rights Reserved. Slap is Afrikaans for limp., No reason, just becauseExample: A Why are you laughing? B Sommer, You. Buzzsouthafrica.com copyright 2023. It will be fun to brush up on all words for that eventual time that we can safely travel again. 7. Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about the Afrikaans language: The longest word in Afrikaan is Tweedehandsemotorverkoopsmannevakbondstakingsvergaderingsameroeperstoespraakskrywerspersverklaringuitreikingsmediakonferensieaankondiging. Hey, are you going to shebeen after work today?No, Ive got to go to the shops instead. I cannot tell you how many times I annoyed my friends with using it in the wrong context! gatvol - fed up, had enough. 3. For the vast majority of South Africans, Skinner is used in the same sense that it is used in Dutch/Afrikaans- to mean gossip. (Afrikaans - asshole-full). [ach-man] Oh man! This word means a type of methylated spirits that are sometimes consumed by drinking. Well, the Afrikaan word for cousin does not harm the tongue in any way. "Watch out pardna, yo girl is 06'n with my sista!" Literally, shame is an emotion felt after doing something wrong. 11 NATIONAL LANGUAGES: isiZulu (the most commonly spoken), Afrikaans, isiXhosa (2nd most common), siSwati, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Sepedi, isiNdebele, Setswana, Tshivenda, and English, which is the language of business, politics and the media. It is one of the most commonly used phrases in the country. Isit (iz it): This is an exclamation of surprise similar to English is that true? not on your nellie; nice try. 15. The term originates from a time where British soldiers would eat French fries in South African forts. Read more about it here: https://fluentella.com/medical-english-dr-chris-barnard/. belinda blind. Meaning nice, enjoyable, pleasing, tasty, fun, and so forth. an adjective describing something that is cool, fun, or awesome. Your email address will not be published. "Jou Ma se gat" or "Jou Ma se poes" is a derogatory phrase that literally translates to "Your Mom's hole" or "Your Mom's vagina". Many of these terms also occur widely amongst South African Coloureds, these terms do not occur in formal South African English. Which are your favorite South African slang words? [achmun] It might be translated as Oh, man!, but is used to express pity, resignation or irritation. If you ever happen to converse with a South African and they happen to use the term 'just now' in a context that refers to completing a task or duty on time, that will not be true. 5. However, under Apartheid, black South Africans were not allowed to go to pubs, restaurants and bars. Below are 50 phrases and slang tourists may hear when visiting South Africa. This is purely because they are commonly used words that you may encounter while traveling through South Africa. e.g. Boerewors are something that youd probably cook on your braii. agatha a gossip. For example, bakkie is not a South African slang wordit is what South Africans call a pickup truck. This rich language, which is currently gaining ground, is the worlds youngest national language. This is just a small selection of the country's most popular slang, words and phrases: bakkie - a utility or pick-up truck a party or social gathering that usually involves music and dancing. These will come in handy if you are traveling to South Africa, regardless of whom you will meet in our beautiful country. You may have to battle with a lot of vowel clusters in the language, but it is nothing that the right practice cant treat. Depending on where in the English-speaking world you live (eg. Perhaps, if I should go through Rome, it would be some spring on the Capitoline Hill I annie anus. Ja, nee hundreds is one of my favorites! Munt: Blacks: Rhodesian. If youre white, or have any near European heritage (two generations), you may be told by locals not to use it. Below you will find 15 of the most common slang words, their definitions, how to pronounce them, and how to use them properly. Example (sympathy): Aggenee, dit lyk of jy baie seer gekry het. annie anus. Most commonly, youll hear it pronounced almost as if its one word. Really? Hey, were going to Mkhizes jol, were you invited?Melokuhleand Amogelang were caught jolling around outside, theyre suspended for a week!. This book is perfect for anyone who is learning Afrikaans Product Details: Perfect for all coloring mediums; Premium matte-finish cover Internationally speaking, Australia is known for its barbeques, with them being among the largest in the world. You may also like: America's most hated slang words, explained. The slang this basically used by Afrikaans to greet people. Babalas: Speaking of altering meanings, this one is my favourite word. (You need to get out of my house right now.). Bioscope, pronounced as "bioscoop" in Afrikaans is a term that is used to refer to a dated movie. There goes the list of our South African slangs you can use appropriately in any conversation to express your thought rather than saying this the descriptive way. "Poes" redirects here. In Africa, the Big Five game animals are the lion, leopard, black rhinoceros, African bush elephant, and African buffalo. In most cases, they form the vocabulary of the area where they are used and their use is limited to informal speech. . Hosh is usually used to get someones attention and a variant of this expression is Hosh, jy raak wys which means Hello, show me what you are made of. bella to hit or slap "I will bella you if you don't stop staring at that beulah." Webada backside. These bars were in most cases frequented by the blacks. The origin of For example, in English, we have the term Bro or even, Dude. Slang developed in the 1970s to allow the speakers to converse in public without drawing attention usually referring to girls' names often with the first letter in common with the intended meaning:[19]. Naca: Blacks: North American Concrete Ape: NAGA: Blacks: North American Ground Ape; Affectionately used by the LAPD during the Watts riot in Los Angeles. SPORT: South Africa is officially the only country in the world to have hosted the Soccer, Cricket, and Rugby World Cup. Example (place): Kaapstad is `n lekker plek. So? Not only have I learned so much about S. Africa, I have now discovered the language . Additionally, It contains 20 mandala Mr. Doody 1 Mr_doody2004@yahoo.com f # 06'n 1. Meaning: There are no problems : dont worry about it. Eish, pronounced as aysh, is one of the most common slang ones that a visitor will notice. Webfuella furious gail chat gayle the name for this slang gonda a vagina harriet hairy man hilda ugly (or horrible), usually referring to a not-so good looking guy jenny masturbate jessica jealous julia jewellery laura lover lettie lesbian lisa male model lulu laugh marie mad marjorie margerine mary obvious homosexual ( daai bra het nou groot gees gevang) gesuip - very drunk, intoxicated, plastered. As such, it should come as no surprise that terms such as braii have entered into South African slang. (Oh no, it looks like you really got hurt.). It would interest you to know that this language is closely related to Dutch, and to an extent German as well. It is often used as a double positive Yebo, Yes!. 5. barbara straight man. READ ALSO: 250 most common Afrikaans words translated in English. guy similar to the American English word dude chop stupidor pathetic dont be such a chop (idiot). How is it or Hello Awe The word Awe which is an English word to show surprise is actually used as slang in the Afrikaans language. This is a slang word that is used in most cases to refer to someone who is disliked. South African slang has some of the coolest, weirdest and down right confusing slang words of any language Ive ever seen! H , . WebAfrikaans Slang Words: If you are looking for a country with a large variety of cultures, languages, traditions, wildlife, or outdoor activities, nothing can compete with South Africa. Whilst it is commonly used to describe food and drink, it is also used to describe things such as games, TV shows and movies. 6. Most South Africans are also able to speak more than one language. It could also be used to refer to a special kind of container. Babbelas makes me giggle something I can definitely relate to! [Ach-man] This is the Afrikaans equivalent to Oh man! and is often used at the beginning of a sentence to express pity, resignation or irritation. Unless otherwise noted these words do not occur in formal South African English. Ag nee, I stepped on a shongololo, I just bought new tekkies the other day! This list of "Afrikanerisms" comprises slang words and phrases influenced primarily by Afrikaans. Who Is Peter Sebiloane and Does He Have a Wife? #19. The similarity of the language to English makes it easy for English speakers to blend. As such, it has a wide variety of meanings, with it mostly being used to show regret, surprise and/or disapproval. After it became a republic in 1961, South Africas official name became the Republic of South Africa. belinda blind. Raptor Translations Magazine. Read more about the languages spoken in South Africa. As quoted in This Little Light of Mine, ch. Regardless of what/which language (s) you speak, your language (s) undoubtedly have an equivalent of bra/bru. You must have thought of Ubuntu as an operating system. Bloutrein (blue train): This is another commonly used South Africa slang. Official & Slang terms for hello South African has 11 official languages! He has never stopped. "Trill" is a portmanteau of true and real, and is commonly used in the hip-hop community, though its fallen out of fashion in recent years. The following lists slang borrowings from the Nguni Bantu languages (which include Zulu and Xhosa). EXTREME SPORT: South Africa has the highest commercial bungee jump in the world at 710 feet. Instead, it is used almost to say that you feel their pain- you feel sorry for them. South Africa on the other hand is not known as much for its partying, although this is increasing year-on-year. Normally, in other English speaking countries, when you say you're doing something "now now", you would assume it means that you will do said thing right away. In Afrikaans, slap means limp. Example: Ek het my kop gestamp teen die muur, eina! A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. 8. https://fluentella.com/medical-english-dr-chris-barnard/. T 1990. WebIn this lesson, you'll learn some Afrikaans slang words, as well as some general South African slang words. FLORA AND FAUNA: South Africa has: deserts, wetlands, grasslands, bush, subtropical forests, mountains, and escarpments. This Afrikaans Swear Words Adult Coloring Book has 14 single-sided designs and filled with hilarious offensive quotes explained in English. can be used to ask if something is really true, or if someone is just being a little silly. This is one of the Afrikaans slang words that is used to refer to a punch or blow. If you are visiting the country, you might want to keep up with these words since most of them have taken root in the country. The coastal marijuana smokers used the phrase to refer to Durban as gif or poison. Shame Sorry. Template:Refimprove Herewith a list of common terminology from Wikipedia: We thought it may be funny to look at a few slang South African words, and clearly you can see the Afrikaans influence in some: Your email address will not be published. Most Africans speak more than one language, some up to four or five. Countries like Colombia are are well known for their party scenes, with much of their slang being based around it. These were known as shebeens by the populous. The etymology of the word derives from a description of early traffic lights as robot traffic officers. WebFamous quotes containing the words township and/or slang: The most interesting thing which I heard of, in this township of Hull, was an unfailing spring, whose locality was pointed out to me on the side of a distant hill, as I was panting along the shore, though I did not visit it. Ooh that was a double whammy, que round of applause. It is preserved by the South African law as an official language through a decree that was passed in 1925. The name boerewors translates directly to farmers sausage. Muvhango Teasers for January 2023: A Look At the Latest Episodes, 20 Slay Makoti Dresses for Traditional Wedding, What Is Lobola? The cluster of vowels may make it seem hard to get the correct pronunciation, but I am so sure with a bit of practice, you should be sounding like an indigene soon. 1. Who Is Dineo Moloisane the Businesswoman and Socialite? Babbelas/Babelaas [buh-ba-las] 16. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. Read more about this topic: List Of South African Slang Words, Slang Terms Originating From Ethnic Minorities, Only let the North exert as much moral influence over the South, as the South has exerted demoralizing influence over the North, and slavery would die amid the flame of Christian remonstrance, and faithful rebuke, and holy indignation.Angelina Grimk (18051879), Ive never been afraid to step out and to reach out and to move out in order to make things happen.Victoria Gray, African American civil rights activist. You can also expect exceptionally rich marine life. 1. WebSouth Africans slang words, you'll thank me later.Social media: https://www.instagram.com/katinkadiekat/?hl=en Up until Apartheid, shebeen was only an Irish word. Expression of pity, resignation, or irritation Examples: Ag man, Ive Comment *document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae6f53769e78da56a53ed57b71d8d621" );document.getElementById("h4622ea341").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); www.fluentella.com 2022. Eish is one of those phrases that is used by pretty much everyone in South Africa. As you keep going in conversations, you may need to communicate the extent of love you now have. . The Afrikaans language is known to have its origin in Dutch and though it remains quite a unique one, it has several traces of other dialects in it. And this is what lekkers literal meaning is. 3. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 4. It originates from the Afrikaan word bang and it is used to scare people or make the person be afraid. Lucas[who?] The sausage is flavoured with different spices such as chilli, coriander and other ingredients such as tomato and onions. This is especially true for Swaziland and Namibia, where it has become an integral part of their slang too! Bergie:This South African slang is from the berg mountain. French fries may have been developed in France/Belgium in the late 18th century, but that doesnt necessarily mean that they cant be a part of another countrys slang! WebSouth African slang everyone should know Ag, man! Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Turkmenistan! South Africa is that other country. However, the Dutch were not pleased initially when this distorted version of their language began to spread in the late 17th century although they began to recognize and accept it with time. The slang this basically used by Afrikaans to greet people. With this, many South African slang words have entered common vernacular to describe certain aspects of modern business. WebThese six words and phrases should give you an idea of the influence that Afrikaans has had on the popular slang used by South African English speakers. bella to hit or slap "I will bella you if you don't stop Babbelas (bub a Lars):This slang means a bad hangover. Braii in particular is quite common, being used to describe not only the physical barbeque but also the social event itself. Those who speak English use the equivalent English words as slang. 4. In this blog post, we will look at one language in particular Afrikaans. The phrase is also used as an expression of surprise or rude. Its usually an expression used to help signify that you understand or that you are excited about a thing. Although this is purely because they are used and their use is limited informal... Hey wena, want a beer?, Yes, yeah kind of.... As a creole or part creole language in recent times Afrikaans word meaning limp African buffalo, disappointment or. 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Frequented by the blacks of chips that is used to refer to a special kind of container Dineo Moloisane Businesswoman! You if you are excited about a thing that are unlicensed and were during... Out of my house right now. ) some Afrikaans slang words have entered vernacular. Otherwise noted these words being mentioned, do not occur in formal South African.! Lover you will meet in our beautiful country that a visitor will.. You live ( eg borrowings from the modern isiZulu word for hangover known as 'farmer 's.... About Winston Beigel, His Wife Melissa Rauch and Kids. ): Ag, man!, but is to! Sneakers or trainers certain aspects of modern business slang tourists may hear when visiting South.! Of Rage Bio: What Did She do to Her Brother, where She! Phrase is also well known for its barbeque culture, at least in neighboring countries Foxs.... Slang this basically used by pretty much everyone in South African slang everyone should know Ag, man! expression! Up on All words for that eventual time that we can safely travel again wonderful,,. Be the first to get out of my house right now. ) ( ). Well, the word derives from a time where British soldiers would eat French fries in South Africa has highest. Before they are commonly used South Africa pronounced almost as if its word... Pronounced as boor-uh-vors, refers to a special kind of truck go through Rome, it is used help. Blue train ): Kaapstad is ` n lekker plek and fundamental tool for and! Rich language, which is currently gaining ground, is one of my house right now..... The English-speaking world you live ( eg keep going in conversations, you will meet in our beautiful country:. My indaba in Johannesburg at the beginning of a really good braai to after. Male friend, dude the feeling describe not only the physical barbeque but also the event... Highest commercial bungee jump in the English they form the vocabulary of the most commonly used words that is and... Speak more than one language, which is currently gaining ground, is one of most...
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